Why aren’t they used more ? (The Seven Heavenly Virtues)

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Also Fun Fact in some versions the seven heavenly virtues are divided into two groups, the virtues that were believe to be only possible to display with the help of religion known as the three theological virtues (the virtues being faith,hope and charity) and the four cardinal virtues that were believe to be inherent to human nature (the virtues being justice, temperance, prudence and fortitude)

Sin is more fun than virtue.

Probably because the deadly sins can still be used to appeal to a secular audience while the heavenly virtues have some baked-in religion. The seven capital virtues, however, the opposites of the deadly sins, could definitely be utilized.

They’re mainly categorized that way by Catholics, and general pop culture pretty much only has negative things to say about Catholicism. Thus focusing on the negative (sin, judgment, hypocrisy, etc.).

I already got them all. Ain’t any for you vultures to salvage.

because heaven faction is a default ally, if they are ALSO your enemy, it’s either because it’s free-for-all OR someone from hell got a bit more spicy that day

They are less captivating than their bad counterparts which are shown in extreme levels btw. How much can a patience virtue hold candle against Anger for instance ? nobody is attracted to patient quality in a person so it’s less captivating. Anger on the other hand is truly fascinating. Anger makes you do things you’ve never thought about doing if you were always patient. Even in work ethics it’s important to have greed for more profits, And Chastity was truly appreciated before but now not so much. People want people experienced to have a great time.

Would make a lame movie…

We are weak in the flesh. Sin is easier and feels better sometimes. The road to heaven can feel like hell but the road to hell feels like heaven. Sin is just the bait that hides the hook.

Not only that, but the deadly sins are grossly misrepresented

they’re probably perceived as boring…

that said I’ve seen them mentioned at least a few times.

Danger sells fairytales better

probably because they’re not as well known.

I mean, I straight up didn’t know what they were until now.

7 deadly sins sounds cooler. nuff said.

Not only they aren’t fun and are used almost exclusively as catholic propaganda, the traditional seven virtues are more entertaining and are clearly opposing the seven sins. But if you use the seven traditional virtues the catholics will throw a tantrum.

Because they are inherently human virtues and if religion is the only reason you’re a good person you’re actually a shitty person threatened by damnation?

Thought this was r/helluvaboss 😭🙏

“*Whats in the boooox?!*”…..”*What’s in the fucking box?!*”

I miss the times words were easier to read on image memes

That’s unreadable.

You know what… I’d like to see an anime level exaggerated version of the Bible just straight Bollywood type shit. Jesus-dono and his fucking Samurai. Moses splits the red sea with some shao-lin type schmoovement. Cains jealousy made him go straight demon mode on his lil bro. Noah was a jacked old man who built this big ass boat and just action movied all the animals into the arc narrowly avoiding the flood.

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