fr like how does someone bankrupt a casino?

By otadak
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It was never about the economy, many folks in this country just didn’t like the idea of certain other folks getting the same societal opportunities as them.

The casino went bankrupt due to all the fines that FinCEN leveled against him for laundering money. The FinCEN report is public record.

He has always been a front for criminals who are content to let him play big dog as long as they get their money.

This country will implode on its own racism. Pretty simple.

A certain demographic started to lash out once they discovered they’d be a minority by 2045. They voted with hate in their hearts and we’re all about to pay the price for their ignorance.

Save the economy from what? Success? It was recovering already, it was trending up and the eggs were just a factor of an epidemic.

Thinking a man who cheated on ALL his wives is gonna be loyal to YOU is wilder.

Up front, yes Trump is a hilariously bad businessman. Like laughably bad.

But plenty of casinos go bankrupt. Especially since they’re often casino *resorts.* The house edge guarantees that over the course of a large number of hands the house comes out ahead on the bets placed at a blackjack table. It doesn’t guarantee they come out ahead *enough* to even pay the dealer’s wages though, let alone the overhead expenses for the casino floor or to keep the lights on at the rest of the resort.

It’s a big building, and the casino floor is just part of it.

Casinos in both AC and LV have gone bankrupt over the years. Atlantic City in particular was struggling during the years Trump bought in, because competition from tribal casino resorts was coming online…some of y’all aren’t old enough to remember when the *only* gambling was LV or AC, and AC existed almost entirely because flying to LV was a pain. Mohegan Sun, Foxwoods, etc. brought a lot of new competition into the east coast gambling industry that AC as a whole wasn’t ready for.

(The bankruptcies at the Trump casinos were also, IIRC, largely structured and planned…basically legal “laundering” of money, but that’s another story entirely…mostly just always have to point out that casinos aren’t magically immune to downturns.)

I truly wish during that single debate she kept talking about his failures. It’s crazy people dont talk about it more.

Reminder that Trump’s casinos were making money. Occupancy was up, and the tables were raking in the cash like casinos do.

The reason they failed is that Don-Don kept siphoning off the revenue by shifting his personal debts to the business and taking millions in unwarranted salary. He willingly and knowingly turned a successful business into a failed money-laundering operation.

“He RuNs ThE cOuNtRy LiKe A bUsInEsS!!!”

Sir, he bankrupted a business whose model is quite literally “The House Always Wins.”

We knew why they really voted for him, though, and it damn sure wasn’t because of “eGg PrIcEs.”

90% of them don’t know shit about how the economy works. They just have a lot of hate in their lives and needed something to push it onto.

He just hated all the popular things to hate across cultures and economic status and did so loudly. Issues that cost them nothing and raises no one up helped him win.

And of course, all the wealthy people who control mass social media.

I do know the excuse I heard from supporters when this was brought up in 2016 was that declaring bankruptcy is a good strategy because (insert bs reasons but mostly to avoid paying off debt)

Don’t forget his own personal 4 Horsemen of the Trumpocalypse that he has helping him…

You know – the ones that stand to gain massively out of an economic downturn and recovery. Musk probably has the most exposure, but he’s busy sucking on the governmental teat. Bezos after him – but Amazon is so integrated into things that it can withstand the worst without issues. The other two would be hardly touched.

Yet they collectively have a stranglehold on information dissemination.
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Especially when he inherited a strong economy in his first term and tried to take credit for things it would’ve done had Obama still been in office. And then mishandled the pandemic and the economy tanked.

He was using the casino to launder money for Russian mobsters, is how it lost money.

He put it all on red

They don’t believe he went bankrupt.

Probably in a similar way one bankrupts ***Hooters***. Since I heard they’s goin’ bankrupt, I somehow don’t find *anything* surprising anymore.

By committing fraud.

Sorry America. From 🇨🇦.

its all in the first word: *”thinking”* and they lack the ability to do that so it checks out unfortunately.


Fires the military judges. Nothing to see here.

A truly ignorant person in every sense of the word. Whitey’s are finding out.

I imagine embezzling does the trick.

I had someone on instagram try to defend him by saying being bankrupt 6 times is part of being a successful businessman 🤣

I messed up my finances ONCE…I handed the checkbook to my wife and haven’t looked back. People who are bad with money are bad with money and rarely learn.

On Gawd & them

Oh shit was it 6 times? I’ve been going around saying 4.

The trump regime was designed to crash the US economy, so that rich donors and lobbyists can privatize and buy sectors of our economy at rock bottom prices.

Bankruptcy is profitable for the ultra rich.

If the primary business of your casino is to launder the money of Russian oligarchs, rather than having the house always win, then it’s probably kinda easy to bankrupt it.

It was never about the economy.

They wanted him to oust the ppl they hate.

Well, the first casino bankruptcy is always the hardest. The next two were much easier.

It didn’t need saving. The previous 3 years was outstandingly strong.

okay but on a side note there should be a limit on how many times someone can file bankruptcy. Its no reason multiple times should not push you into fraud territory

I was told he was smart for having 6 bankruptcies. Fucking wild.

It’s about hate. It’s always been about hate. It started with Obama and they’ve been seething about a successful black president.

Thank you!!!! I’ve literally been saying this for years! What happened to Trump Airlines? Trump University?? How do you bankrupt a casino??? How do you bankrupt a front operation???

If you are in support of trump, somewhere in your bones you’re a racist.

That’s the simplest explanation for who he is and what he stands for.

Edit: and what those who support him believe

On purpose. It’s how you steal the investments of the other investors by stealing the profits

White folk ready to burn the world to ashes solely for being forced to have a black president.

You don’t realize trump voters want the economy to crash so they can buy up assets at a discount, they don’t care it it means people losing their livelihoods.

Country is filled with idiots and racists. Can’t expect much from that.

I liked a quote I heard the other day about Americans can be counted upon to do the right thing after all other options have been exhausted.

We shall see. The world watches

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