Anyone else think Solo was a good movie or is it really just me?

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I will join you in dying in the hill that Solo is a very enjoyable, fun, standalone Star Wars film, far superior as a “spinoff” than those we’ve had since as shows (bar Andor 👀)

Alden is great as a young Han, not doing an impression but a portrayal of an unproven younger Han. Emilia and Donald I could take or leave, but woody Harrelson is great too as the han before han. Prefer the first half to the second, love the world building with correllias gangs/landscape too

I enjoyed it, it reminded me of the cheesy old Star Wars novels I used to read, I was ecstatic when it made a few references to the Lando Calrissian Adventures book I had secondhand as a kid.

I thought it was a very good movie that didn’t deserve all the hate it got

It’s one of those movies where the more I watch it, the more I like it.

I don’t think I’ve re-watched it since the first time I saw it (right after it came out on video/streaming), but I recall liking it overall.

There’s only really two things I disliked about it:

1) It ends with him too idealistic and heroic considering the Han we see in ANH.

2) Speedrunning everything that made Han, “Han” was a bit much. All in 2 hours we find the source of every thing about him (down to how even “Solo” wasn’t his real name… really?).

It was ok. Had some fun elements. Suffered too much from the prequel sin of trying to give backstory to things that didn’t need it. Also thought Solo himself should’ve been in a darker place character-wise in order to maintain the redemption moments of New Hope. But it had a train heist and Donald Glover, so that’s cool I guess.

I did not.. I am happy you enjoyed it.

It’s imperfect but I liked it when first released and my appreciation has only deepened since 

It’s criminally unexceptional

It’s an ok movie, nothing id write home about though. I much preferred the Han Solo Trilogy and would rather have seen them turn those books into a movie because a giant space battle at Nar Shadda between smugglers and an imperial fleet would have been dope. Not to mention that Bria love story in there as well.

Nope, you’re the only person who thinks it was good. Not a single other person on the planet does. Congratulations/s

The one thing I really didn’t like in the movie was Han “speaking” in Wookie. That was so… just not good. It would have been so much cooler to show him working with Chewbaca and maybe at the end of the movie starting to understand him.

Other than that, I wish they had a part in the movie that showed Han getting kicked out of the Imperial Navy training – like a quick montage or something showing him being significantly better than all the imperial pilots or showing him understanding how Imperials fly/dogfight/etc. I think it would have been an awesome opportunity to show that he really is one of the best pilots in the galaxy and has the background of knowing how imperials fly.

Flawed but fun Star Wars story. Didn’t really think it needed maul at the end. Originally was a hot mess and Ron Howard had to basically recut and reshoot a bunch. So it shows in the pacing. 

Glover and Ehreinreich are both great recasts of Lando and Solo respectively. Harelson and Clarke are good additions. 

Yeah, you are the only one in the entire world

For me it was a very VERY boring movie. Takes FOREVER to start and do something really meaninfull to the plot. Everything is just an excuse to explain “how Han got X” in one single adventure.

I mean, come on…EVERYTHING related to Han Solo’s know merch, are you telling me he got it all in the same single one adventure? He gets the name (Solo), the gun, the jacket, the friend, the falcon, the “kessel run”, the dices, the “other friend” (Lando)….all in one single adventure. It’s the worst kind of fanservice.

I really like it, it massively suffered because it came out so close to the last Jedi that they barely marketed it, and a lot of people were put off by the last Jedi.

I liked it. But why is there weekly “am I the OnLy person who liked Solo?!?” posts…

Solo just had the unfortunate fate of coming out after TLJ.

It isn’t bad, but it isn’t great either.

Overall, I enjoyed it.  Even if my entire family is still confused by why the Enfys Nest girl taking off her mask was such a “reveal”

Did she appear in Rebels or something?

That movie slaps, there’s 200+ tiny little things I love about it. 

And I don’t think we give Alden enough credit, taking on a role that is not only aggressively beloved but I had always considered IMPOSSIBLE to successfully (re)cast, and he did great. 

Hated it. Absolutely no one can replace Harrison Ford.

Just watched it for the first time. 7 or 8 out of 10.

The ending kinda falls apart for me.
The “Enfys Nest are actually the good guys led by a kid and Han just immediately switches sides to them.” Was… a bit eye roll. Makes his decision to come back and aid the Rebellion during the battle of Yavin less of a dramatic turn towards the light and finally doing something for others and more, “Oh of course he would.”

And Qi’ra leaving him behind “to protect him” also seems… silly? Like, the dude is already a wanted criminal who’s deserted from the Imperial army and robbed a train, he can’t just go off and live a normal life, and in fact, immediately goes off to work for the Hutts.

Qi’ra, in her new position, could have easily kept him around as a pilot for her operation. Be selective in what jobs she gives him and keep him a lot safer than out on his own.

No. It was terrible

Is it really that difficult to post something without asking if you are the only one in the entire world that likes a property?

It’s good. Actually rewatchable compared to…you know.

Compared to Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker it is at least coherent and structured. And written in advance 😁

Just you

is the OP solo in rhinking this?

I liked the idea of it, but the eldritch horror space kaiju Kessel Run didn’t work

I don’t think you’re wrong, Solo has a really fun premise and it’s totally reasonable to like it. For me, there’s three main reasons I don’t really love it but that’s just my personal taste.

– I hate this trend (not only in Star Wars) to constantly over explain and we got that a lot in Solo. For example, why did there need to be a reason his name is Solo? It’s a name. If we get a movie of “Anakin: The Wonder Years”, will we find out he’s called Skywalker because some kid thought he was walking in the air when it was actually just an illusion due to a mirage? It’s just silly and unnecessary. Once or twice, sure… whatever. But it happens a lot. The name, how he got the falcon, the kessel run, the dice, etc etc. It was too much for me

– I don’t think the Star Wars characters are like James Bond. Recasting them after having 40ish years of one face for the character kind of took me out of the experience. I know it’s supposed to be Han but… it’s just not him. Same for Lando, I’m a huge fan of Donald Glover but that’s just not him. I know that’s not an issue for others but I struggled to get invested in the story because of that.

– it’s not that I don’t like Qi’ra, it’s just that I felt it was contrived to give Han a tragic, heartbroken backstory which made it feel like they’re trying to change Han’s character.

All of that said, I know it has a lot of fun elements like the train robbery and prison break so I understand why people like it, (and I’m expecting a lot of disagreement and downvotes lol)

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