The Three Amigos. We never knew how good we had it.

By runr7
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Mexican president was a corrupt pos

Yeah but one of those fuckers once wore a tan suit and broke democracy as we know it. 

Peña Nieto? 💀

Peña Nieto was perfect schmuck, though. Good riddance.

We 10000% knew. Life during the Obama administration was so stress free in terms of being able to trust the government was run by the best possible people.

I was in college when Obama was prez. Stressless time politically
Also- he had a few things that actually benefited my work – Biden did too.

It’s so sad to see what Republicans have done to the US.

Things were so great it led to two anti-establishment candidates, one of whom the democrats spent all their energy fighting, although his mistake was not to break from a spineless party of the rich.

What world do you live in?

Neo liberal headline politics in a nut shell

Proving that maybe each presidential candidate needs to be given an IQ test before they are allowed to run. Trump wouldn’t have come close to qualifying.

Obama was the best republic president who ever lived

This is how you know there aren’t any Mexicans on Reddit.

I miss the class, but nothing to glamorize here. Obama was a war hawk and Trudeau’s authoritarian freezing of trucker bank accounts was beyond horrifying.

We? Speak for yourself, I definitely knew how good we had it and how quickly it could all be taken away.

Current Mexican president is better.

If you don’t think that their policies and failures haven’t resulted in the problems we are facing today then you are a fool

Barack ” let’s drone strike a wedding and hospital” Obama?

Yup flawless guy, 100% wholesome chungus never did anything wrong

I wish I still lived in a liberal’s Yankee Doodle fantasy world 🙁

Our leaders are always pretty awful

I hate that I was a republican when Obama was in office. I really never knew how good it was. I was told to hate him, so I did.

So people just gonna ignore the fact Obama administration created ICE, rounding up people as if they were livestock 😑

Tell me you’re not Canadian without telling me you’re not Canadian.

Some of us knew.

Canadian life under Trudeau got significantly more expensive

[Three Amigos]( Three civilised men would be a better choice of words.

No drama Obama miss the solid character of the man!

Trillions of dollars worth of debt and thousands of fentanyl addicts is what that trio represent

Remember Obama refusing to aid Ukraine when Russia invaded the Dunbas region in 2014? Or sending Hillary to reset relations with Russia while he lifted sanctions against the country after invading Georgia and annexing crimea ? What about Obama doubling Trump’s deportations?

Yeah he was a great guy!

Had it so good we didn’t need to worry about politics

More like three stooges. If you don’t know who they are look them up or ask AI

A few good men![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)

They’re all cunts

Unfortunately they are all warmongering murders the fool in the middle is literally castros son.

How good we had it… interesting way to put it.

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