this got put through my dad’s letterbox today (OC)

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Oh myyyy that takes so much courages for her to write and deliver it! Please send her a note back with maybe a pic of the dog?? This is too precious!

The rainbow paper, the depiction of your hair in a bun 🥹 kids really notice and appreciate the small details. So sweet 💜

Man I just realized this is the made me smile forum.

I think I may be sick in the head because I saw something else at first

You take that dog over to meet Mina RIGHT NOW!!

Well I checked the sub twice with that drawing, my mind can’t be fixed now

I don’t know why but I read this in Peppa Pigs voice.

Someone wants to be friends with your dog.

Maybe your dad could invite her over some time, to play with the dog. I’m sure she’d love that. ☺️

The gulf between “is this a threat” and “this is so cute!” Is hilarious. “I realized I was the problem”. I actually chuckled loudly reading that.

Super cute (and quite innocent).

That’s cute. Find the hole she looked through, write a “Dear Mina, Thank you for saying I am cute.” Signed (your dog’s name) and put his paw print on it. Then roll it up, tie it with a ribbon that has a long tail on it so you can push it through the hole and let it hangvl there so she will find it. Maybe write “To Mina” on the outside of it.

That’s a tail, right?

That’s horrible! Report her to USPS for not using proper postage stamps and going into your mail box as both are illegal. /s

Jokes aside, very cute. Maybe write her a letter from your dog and stamp the dog’s paw as the signature. (:

So cute

Sweet Lord I seen it and was like 😨 but then seen the subreddit it’s on and went 🥰

Is this a threat? lol

That dog looks like shit, this little girl is lying

Ngl based on that drawing.. It kind of looks like some old dude wants to “bone” your dog. 

it looks like a dude fucking a dog.

Im worried about a lot of these people in the comments

It’s the:


-Your dog

that gets me lol

Y’all’s dog would be so adorable looking like a sheep pig wolf 😻 you HAVE to update if she meets the baby!!!!

This makes me smile so much. It gives me faith in humanity. Please let Mina pet your doggo! 🥹🙏

Hey what’s he doin to the dog though

So sweet. Maybe your dad can introduce them and dog will have a new playmate.

My conclusion: Mina has long, braided hair, with a bow at the end of it and she wanted to make it known.

The Internet has ruined me. Didn’t think that came from a child.

Anyone else see what I see?

Oh, the things kids draw.

Awwwww!!!! I’m all verklempt!

Love Mina 🥲😭

This is awesome.

I remember my wife coming inside and telling me a conversation she overheard from our neighbor’s little kid “mommy, this is my favorite dog!” Talking about our lab/pit mix who’s a big teddy bear, the neighbors have 2 dogs 🤣

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So cute 🥰

That sounds intriguing!

And the best part, Mina is a 30 year old woman

“Jarvis, i’m low on karma”

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