I got this last time we had a Trump presidency.

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One thing I did not want to see come back in style

I would very much like one.

I got a magnet for my bumper

I have that shirt too! I wore it to the last protest. Are the proceeds still going to the National Forrest Service?

It’s so depressing that we can say “the last time”

Alternately, you can shop the AltNPS store. They don’t have this exact shirt but they do have some merch. I have a hoodie I got last time, that I still wear almost daily. [https://shop.ourparks.org/](https://shop.ourparks.org/)

isn’t he supposed to put fire out, not start them?

I like that better than the Alt National Park shirt I got last time trumpty was in office. Either way we need to keep making noise and RESIST!

Did it change anything?

It didn’t really work last time, so he came back with more support from more people.
How about running some competent competition instead, and then when in office do something to help working people.

How exactly are you resisting

I want one! But alas I’m Canadian and the only thing I feel like I can do right now is boycott American products.

Why is Smokey the Bear on fire? Isn’t that antithetical to his message? And how is that relevant to Trump?

I have a jar with Smokey on it saying “Smoke Trees”

ive had this same shirt for years! i found it at a thrift shop!

lol I have that same shirt in that same color from the last Trump presidency, as well.

“donald presidency”

Black bear?

This is one of my favorite shirts!

I have one too! It’s too big now. I wonder if they are still selling them.

ditto. Gotta remember to wear it to the pro science rally in Seattle on friday.

Same and it sure has been getting a lot of use lately!

You shouldn’t light bears on fire, even in protest.

Well we will have no forests to burn as they will all be hacked down.

Why is he on fire!?!?!?! He told me not to start those!!!

Are you my dad?

Looks like hes wearing a grape hugger

Me too.

Change the trump fist to a middle finger

Can I have one with Smokey saying, “Only you can prevent dumpster fires.”?

What the fuck is this supposed to mean

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