My first meme(go big or go home)

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Your first post and it’s a repost….wow, a lot of effort

Kevin definitely won’t be perceived as a threat until it’s too late for Predator.

I mean honestly?

If home alone has toon force (it’s hard to say) kevin most likely wins.

Even if he doesn’t, predator can spot some pretty cunning traps but he can’t spot them all. And kevin only had a day to setup an entire house that stopped two robbers and then spys and the robbers again.

It’s really a toss up because on one hand, you have preds moral code of not hunting unworthy prey and the other kevin has a cunning mastery to some pretty lethal traps that would work regardless of an invisible predator.

So it really comes down to how pissed is pred and how little either character knows what the other can do.

A predator vs a child usually goes one way

Anonymous asked a very important question, I’d like answers to the question as well.

1 week Of prep time

With realistic damage if even a few of Kevin traps worked or one in some cases I can’t see why he wouldn’t get lucky and slaughter him in the most crude manner

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