The current Situation

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What is it with that crab at the bottom?

Add Hungary next to Russian, and it’s done.

As long as we still exist 🇨🇦 stands with Europe !!!

The Canadian fish should be angrier.

Apparently Australia is considering sending peacekeepers to Ukraine too. One of our state Premiers just called JD Vance a ‘knob’ so I see great things on the horizon tariff-wise for Australia in the near future.

Where the British fish?

Cue the Americans: “As an American I am so sorry for Cheeto Hitler. 🥺”

“Why don’t you do something about it?”

“Fuck off Europoor how dare you question me. 😡 😡 😡 “

I wouldn’t usually get even remotely patriotic over the UK, especially not over the lack of a UK-coloured fish in a cartoon… but there should definitely be a union-jack fish at the front of the shoal here.

Good ‘ol’ agent Krasnov being activated to do Russias bidding!
Tonite’s state of the union should scare the world.

Putin wishes they are a shark.
They are a puffer fish

Russia ain’t that big.

Where the fuck is the UK fish? Jesus wept!

Don’t make Canada look confused please?

russian’s not drunk and pissing in the corner of the streetcar enough

Even though there is fear that if Russia and Ukraine reach a ceasefire at somewhere close to current battleground boundaries, Russia will just rebuild its army for another onslaught at a later time. However, that time can also be used by Europe to build up its own army without the US if necessary. Ukraine has proven to be a formidable opponent and has managed to develop new and deadly weaponry during the conflict. With the Russia economy shattered, it is possible that a Euro-Ukraine army could protect Ukraine (and the Baltics) for the foreseeable future with Russia hopefully falling apart in the meantime. It just needs the proper will and the US, if not assisting, to at least not support Russia’s economic or military recovery.

Canada should join the EU, I just like Canada so much.
It’s like the better and normal version of the us without and crazy people in charge.

Half of us Americans will always have Europe’s back.

Is the UK in that pic?

As big as Russia is, Germany, UK, France, and Italy should all individually be bigger. We need to boost our defense

But where is the uk fishy 🥺

Not really. Where is China, NK and Iran?

Is time to fish guys

Poor Sweden lost part of their tail

Post it on r/conservative

That Russian shark should be drunk.

Where is shark’s genital organ? Please draw US into it you know

Needs more fish

What do these comics do to trump voters or moderate republicans? 

They seem awfully effective to me, I’m curious as to how they perceive them. 

That Russian shark is just a crab at this point.


I love fish politics

Swedish fish?

Germany posing against russia is the funniest thing ever. Germany RUNS on russian gas! 🤣🤣🤣
The expensive LNG from USA wont keep those machines running in the long run.

Please add hungry as imposter

Sweden fish

What makes you think were afraid?

The Russian shark needs to be smaller and more broken as the cartoon proceeds.

The current Russia is much weaker than 2022 Russia.

Missing the Spanish fish

So why doesn’t Europe give more and get a cease fire in Ukraine? I don’t get why they rely on the US and get mad like yall can’t try to do it either. Just be mad at the USA while you sit patently on the sideline.

Meanwhile China is just chilling.

Love Poland’s reaction/

You know they are inflatable versions – and as always exaggerated.

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