Does he cut his own hair

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Peaky Blunders

The richest guy in the world doesn’t have a single real friend to tell him he looks like shit.

Jean Baptiste Emanuel Zorg

He’s looks   like someone who’s been on a 3 day drug bender just hitting outside.

That’s an all-Reich haircut

This guy would look just like gru from minions without the hair transplant

That’s a straight tweaker haircut.

He went for the Wehrmacht undercut.

Just give me the Simple Jack

Why does he look like a butch lesbian biker but without ANY cool points associated with it?


What’s the huge scar on his head? He already implanted Neuralink in himself like a good little rat didn’t he?

imagine having 250 billion and still getting shitty haircuts

His entire appearance is disgusting, strange, unattractive, misshaped and cringey constantly.

Idk but he definitely dresses himself

is that an empathy belly?

seriously, da fuck is up with his gut 

He “Ket”s his own hair

He looks like my gpa who wears a wig every day and won’t admit that he’s balding

A little moustache is missing…

Where’s his maga hat

he’s afraid to let someone else near him with scissors, since the majority of the population wants him fucking dead

He looks like John Travolta in The Fanatic

Oof he needs to lay off the HCG – edit – signed, someone who fills HCG for dudes like this every day

Bad hair, bad built, block body.

Yes, while blacked out on drugs.

You’re not getting rich by going to the barber!

They’re only allowed to cut his original hair, not the transplant or weave or whatever he has on top now.

He’s a bitch

It looks like one of my Guinea pigs I had as a child. His name was Tom 😆 Tom is that you?!

The sieg heil special

It’s not his hair?

Busted looking jack ass

Slightly reminding to a N*z* cut

Most likely he’s like a child in the barbers chair and fidgets and flops around.

He’s going full 5th element

the kim jong undercut

Ahhhhh THATS why he gets to wear a hat in the Oval Office. That tracks.

He looks like mental decline is taking hold. Drugs are a rough ride.

Maybe he has all that money because he doesn’t ever pay for haircuts

It looks like he buys someone else’s hair, glues it on, and then cuts it himself.

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