Try Doing Something

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Unfortunately I think a lot of the establishment dems believe Trump will make so many unpopular decisions that everyone will turn against him. It will likely be a terribly costly miscalculation.

Most media is not giving time to people trying to counter the right wing narrative

When an authoritarian took over throughout history anywhere, when was an elected official the avenue of change? Sorry to break the news America, but unless YOU get off the couch, it’s over. The norms that used to exist don’t.

What I’m thinking all the time.. what the heck are the democrats doing.. everyone is so ffing quiet… Are they totally paralyzed? Nothing comes out of their mouths.. anything.. Trump is threatening Greenland / Denmark and Europe with semi-war!? A fucking NATO ally…….. Either they are in on this or they have to step up and start speaking.

Republicans do bad things — everyone focuses on why the democrats let them, when the democrats literally don’t have the legal authority to stop them with minorities in all branches of government.

What are they supposed to do when we voted for this?

Man, Republicans have it easy. They get into power at the Judicial, Legislative, and Executive levels and get most of the governorships… start doing bad stuff because voters put almost no guardrails on them…

And the voters ask how Democrats could do this?

People are fucking weird.

I get we always like to shit on the Democrats for not doing anything but honestly what can they do? Any reasonable ideas? For them to fight back they needed people to go out and vote for them and we didn’t. Now they have ZERO power at the absolute worst time. It’s pretty hard to fight with both hands tied behind your back. They can’t save us so it’s ultimately up to the people to save us now. Let’s stop tearing them down and start taking matters into our hands

IMpeachment filed. Not going to be brought to floor
Attempted to block Trump appointee’s outvoted on party lines
Trying to hold town halls and reach out to citizens looking for answers
Protested Trumps first address to the Nation

What exactly should they do? The protests in Serbia and across the world are done by citizens. If their SOTU actions does not satisfy you, then go out and protest.

We are in this mess because we sat down at home in November because the candidate we had was not perfectly selected. 🧐

And today we are sitting down at home complaining because the SoTU protest was not perfectly executed.

Stop blaming both sides. Fascism wins this way.

Dems are doing exactly what the voters gave them the power to do, which is very little.

The GOP owns ALL. OF. THIS. Dems aren’t here to save anyone from what they voted for.

Honestly it’s infuriating how the public isn’t focused on trump and Republicans being terrible but that the completely legally powerless democrats are the bad guys for not doing more. Are you guys blind or just misguided in your upset? Elected officials can only do so much. If you want democratic voices heard you need to be organizing locally and nationally as a people to do more.

Furthermore, it’s been a single month. Let them figure out a proper game plan while also letting them shoot themselves in the foot. There’s a whole two years before midterms to actually figure out a plan and realistically a year to start campaigning to be able to enact real change.

I’m baffled by this take. What is the minority party supposed to do? Congress isn’t even voting on anything right now, except in committees and such. When it comes time for a full vote on the budget, Dems will have some power.

Democrats have to grow a pair and start calling out right wing media for their softball treatment of every Republican. Call Sean Hannity out and every talking head like him by name instead of pussy footing around the obvious. I listen to the the right wingers and they sure have no problem spreading lies about you.

Your asking people devoid of imagination to guide themselves to a solution? Good luck with that. They come up with something as soon as a lobbyist tells them what to think.

I agree. Stand up, turn your back. Leave one by one. Make a disturbance. Be heard. These Redumblicans can’t read those signs anyways.

Pretty sure I remember reading about several articles of impeachment that have been filed? It’s futile but it’s about all that can be done legally. Dems have zero power right now.

Like yeah the ping pong paddles are silly, but are they really any less effective than skipping the speech or throwing a tantrum during it? I don’t think so.

They are spineless !! All these phone calls to them has meant nothing.
We are watching our country burn from within, and they show up with a glass of water.

How about the rich dems do something! For once! Please!

“When they go low, we go high”
Wait they went lower… “We go high”
They went even lower… “We go high”
Yo, this isn’t normal? “We go high”

At this point Trump could order the national guard to start firing on protestors and the best the dems would do is like, make a few signs out of foam core board or something. 

Their jobs and wealth are safe. They can grab headlines with useless, symbolic gestures. The DNC knows what they are doing, and what are doing is nothing.

Never gonna happen. They wouldn’t even support Al Green. Fucking useless. All of them.

They do not want to risk their comfy lives. Doing very little does not relate to whether they get elected or not. So why do more than the bare minimum.

[It’s time for a new party](

Yeah I honestly despise their passive aggressive approach it’s so timid.

I would have even gone for Nancy lifting her shirt with a “Suck on these Donald” written across her chest in marker.

I don’t think that holding a sign up counts but I will try.


vence is a moron

Sadly, THE only man with a cane at the State of the Union speech last night was also THE only Democrat to be courageous enough to do something defiant enough to be escorted out…

i was screaming this at the TV

Kabuki Theatre is so much more fun

It’s NOT even “lip service” any more…!!!

Paper Hand Fans lmao.

Isn’t he a sellout?

It was really hard to watch his evil twin brother sit behind Trump through that whole thing

They should use the full power of the fillabuster. Shit that the Repubs have been doing for decades.

Congress is already shit but if the Dems actually stop this , put themselves in the thick of it, that’ll show the American people that they’re actually trying!

As much as I dislike this person, I’m on board with what he’s saying.

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