Making Signs Great Again

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Somehow AOC sitting at home is better than this. Such an embarrassment of a party.

Our country is quickly slipping into a dictatorship! Quick, we need to wear pink and sit quietly while holding signs!

Fuck their signs, our elected officials need to make some real action.

Same type of empty gestures and inaction we’ve come to expect

Edit: since this has so many replies. I’m talking the inaction and empty gestures that we’ve seen during the last 4 years of Biden. The dems goal is just to maintain the status quo and “take the high road” while actually doing nothing to help American people. I don’t care what they do now, they’re done.

This ought to turn the ship of state around.

How fucking weak is this.

Sit idly by whilst holding signs. Standard corporatist Dems.

Virtue signaling whilst having no cohesive communication strategy, no attack dogs, making no waves to slow the Tyrant.

They could have all shown up, then walked out one or 2 at a time to create constant disruption and disrespect.

Fucking sad.

We cannot count on the loyal opposition of Dems to do a damn thing.

Meanwhile, in Serbian parliament…

Undisruptive protests are useless. Especially when you are protesting people who have no sense of shame.

If they really wanted to make a statement, they’d have all dressed in Zelensky’s wartime duds. All of them.

They look like they’re on Ellen.

Seriously, what the fuck.

The last decade has been the Democrats clinging onto the rulebook going “but a dog can’t play basketball!” while a dog fucking dunks on them over and over

The message of the signs also tells you how out of touch they are.

Our president is a Russian asset who is currently alienating every global ally to appease Russia while simultaneously allowing a unelected foreign billionaire to completely gut the federal government.

He has started a trade war with multiple countries and has also threatened to annex/invade multiple others. He has threatened to pull us out of NATO and the UN. 

Meanwhile he is ruling totally by executive order and completely bypassing congress. He has turned Guantanamo Bay into an internment camp for illegal aliens. He has threatened to deport and arrest anyone who exercises their first amendment rights to protest against him.

And the best the democrats can come up with to stand against this are quietly holding signs saying save Medicaid, and protect veterans, and calling him and Musk liars.

They are so far out of their league it’s absurd. They have no earthly idea how to stand up against a tyrant dictator. No calls for protest, no boycotts, no meetings with other countries, nothing but empty signs and meaningless gestures. 

The cowardice and complacency of the Democratic Party is the reason we are in this mess. The left needs a revolution against the current Democratic Party and leadership to the same extent that Trump and his cronies have overthrown the Republican Party. The left needs a leader to rally behind who can inspire people to rise up in opposition and not sit back and watch the world burn while repeating the same damn rhetoric we’ve been hearing for the last decade. 

They should’ve opened their mouth. This is kinda weak

They should have stood up and protested with each lie. One at a time so it took hours.

All I can think about is South Korean government officials literally putting their lives on the line during a Martial Law to gain access to their parliament to convene and arrest their leader for his actions.

The Koreans are more American than us.

Looks like a bunch of LOSERS



They all should taken a page from Al Green and forced themselves to be removed. You could tell Trump was flustered when that happened then they all just rolled over and took the abuse, and it gave Trump the power he wanted it to.

this has got to be the pinnacle of pandering, pretending to care, fake lib bullshit. It can’t get any stupider than this. My politics may have evolved over the years but the one thing I’ve always said was that the democratic institution and their orbiters have always been a bunch of useless liars who only care about the rich. All of the diversity shit, all of the equality shit, only applies if you occupy the same PMC realm that they do. When it comes down to real issues that affect the other 90% of us, they phone it in, because ultimately, it doesn’t matter to them if you’re gay and poor, or black and poor, or whatever and not rich. This has been the case for my entire lifetime.

Fuck them. When are we going to walk away? It should have been years ago, its getting to the point where its going to be too late.

Pathetic. This is what they call “doing something”?

Lol so cringe

This is so stupid… I agree with the message but democrats dropped the ball again…

This feels more like an auction than a protest

I’m a lifelong Democrat voter (due to lack of better options) and I feel confident saying that Democrat office holders are spineless, weak, and ineffectual.

Their stupid signs are really the best “disruption” they can come up with? At least Al Green has some balls.

Wow… soo brave… well done..

What a pansy ass display.

Fucking **DO** something… wtf

Democrats are embarrassing. That’s the best they can do? Get someone with fresh ideas in there.

The only people pumped about this are the unhinged people who post about Trump all day on r/pics

Theyre all like Wile E. Coyote holding up a sign that says, “YIKES!!” right before he falls off a goddamn cliff.

Such protest much wow.

Or you could be real like Al Green and speak your mind. Put down your stupid little signs and make your damn voice heard!!

Because holding a sign that says false means it’s really false?

Just another example of gov’t wasting money

And what will this achieve? These people don’t respect intelligence and don’t care about peace. You can’t appeal to their better nature when their is none.

Democrats – “we are right, you are wrong” 🤣

This is so silly. How about just not going. This was dumb. Democrats are out of ideas.

Signs are nice and all, but this just highlights the issue: democrats sitting quietly by and not actually doing anything of substance. They should have had one of them stand up and interrupt every time Trump lied and forced them to have the Sargeant at Arms lead them out.

The auction signs were stupid. What we needed to see was Democratic reps and senators protesting and being perp walked out by the Sergeant at Arms. It would have been great press for the Democrats, and awful for the Republicans. They missed a huge opportunity.

Is reddit seriously trying to say those signs were a good idea? Lol

So pathetic. This is the best the opposition party can come up with?

It was just such a lame response. Who thought of this and believed it would be effective in any way?

This is just like the campaign they ran, stupid.

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