GenZ, are we ready to be drafted?

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58% of gen Z men voted for this.

I guess this is what happens when you treat real life like a meme and are to cynical to keep you off a boat on its way to china.

American problem. Conservatives and Trump just torpedoed the NATO alliance.
Maybe the Russians will help you, lol

I don’t understand. I thought this is what Gen-z wanted? I mean… the votes show it.

Im going to be a draft dodger, just like our orange president, I don’t care if I go to jail.

Would there actually be a draft? The US military is already extremely powerful with it’s current soldiers.

Us doesn’t attack countries who have nukes (like China), too scared. Edit: great example being Iran, trump only got Soleimani when he was inside Iraq. Us will prob not pursue war with China.

China doesn’t attack countries, too busy.  China will prob not pursue war with Us. 

How gullible do you have to be to read these words and be worried about the draft?

Politicians talk nonstop, 99% of the time it’s all bark and no bite.

There will never be a direct war between two nuclear powers. Won’t happen. There’s a reason why the Cold War stayed cold.

Nah fuck a war, I’ll be on the run like scooby doo


I’m not too worried about it.

Nah im gonna leverage my mental illness

its joever

“you’re playing with world war 3” said Trump to zalensky

SECDEF Beer-Breath said we are prepared for a war with China. Sorry boys it’s fornite dancing in bejing next week.

Gen Z men* you mean

Drafted to do what? Create tiktok’s and selfies to post on instagram? The only GenZ’ers that would be worth a shit to Trump in a war with china would be the ones who voted for him and as far as im concerned, good, go die for your country, this is what you wanted.

China can get body slammed anytime

Nah, that’s why I ecaped Russia

‘any other type of war’ I hope that doesn’t include nuclear war.

I ain’t too worried about getting drafted, even if it were imminent it’s not like I can control if it happens or not, any conflict with China is unlikely to be boots on the ground anyway. Unless you mean drafted in the sense that we will feel the effects of this trade war the most as it hurts our future and makes it even harder to live and make our own.

We ain’t gonna be drafted. Most of this is just talk.

I’m too old to be drafted, stay safe out there though.

The US would win that war. The navy is superior and would work to cut off their ocean trade

If China were to ally with Russia though, and China made a big push East to take ocean territory, while Russia made a big push West and held nothing back….and North Korea and Iran became involved, that would be quite interesting

1.4 billion Chinese citizens in an area the size of the entire US and territories, but **in one place**, and a civilization that has persisted uninterrupted for 1000’s of years.

With two clinically insane allies.

*What could possibly go wrong for 350,000,000 broke, fat, spoiled, lazy Americans that are very fucking unused to totalitarianism?*

And are sitting on one of the richest sparsely plundered landmasses left on the globe, where billionaires are **yeeting themselves to space?**

This is pure theater, lol. China produces most of everything America needs. America will not go to war with China. Not under Trump, not under a dem, not for Taiwan, not for anything. America needs China for it’s production, and China needs America for it’s money and as boogeymen. Any fight between those two is for show.

If americans start getting drafted, it will be either to fight a civil war at home, or wage war on a western country, as per the orders of fürher Trump or Vance.

Time for all the Joe Rogan bros to finally prove how manly and masc they are.

Waiting for the MAGA moms to start crying that their precious Braydons getting drafted wasn’t what they voted for.

More evidence that liberals are aligned with our enemies

Thankfully dodging the draft is easier than ever under the new administration, simply declare yourself trans and you are magically unfit for the military.

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