Such dissonance

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“No, not _that_ tyranny! We meant the tyranny of universal health care, letting people keep what they do in their bedrooms private, racial and gender equality, women controlling their own bodies and regulating giant, insanely wealthy and powerful corporations! Not that America ever got close to that, but we have to be ready if it ever does!”

Pesky todo lists. They fought so hard against common sense laws and then pissed the bed when they were crying about this the whole time.

But really… it was just the 2A for white ppl for them and had nothing to do with the constitution

“Tyranny against me, not against thee”

I love this Onion headline.

I mean they forgot them on J6 too. It’s almost like they don’t really want to get shot.

NRA shilling for rich people? Surely not LaPierre’s lobby group.

When the Kremlin donates money to you in the millions, you keep your mouth shut.

NRA= Chaos before Sanity

It’s only a tyrannical government when it wants to implement gun control, didn’t you know? These single policy voters have got to go.

They must’ve misplaced their ‘well-regulated militia’ memo.

They are scared that there weapons will be taken away.


Who knew that they’d side with the terrorists? /s

This is my surprised face

This is hilarious.

Didn’t the NRA go bankrupt? Or was that an alternate (and better) timeline?

NRA was found to be paid by Russia right? Why would RU support the 2A?

Yeah, kind of funny that country that was against “tyranny” isn’t doing anything.

While Korean did something, without guns.

Was this made by the Onion? It reads like them.

Whats even funnier is that didn’t Trump do more gun control than Obama? So the NRA would actually benefit from rising against him 💀

Everybody wants 2nd amendment until it’s time to do 2nd amendment shit.

Letting all the kids get murdered in schools for nothing after all?!

In related news, anti-war President says US will get Greenland “one way or another.”


Perhaps if there was a sudden mass buying of guns be democrats and “DEI” we would get gun controls

The right to bear arms has transformed over the years. It’s gone from a time where having your own firearms meant turning the tide politically to self protection from people who want to do you harm in a less systematic way. Don’t get me wrong, being able to stand up for your rights and fight back against tyranny is good, but today you can’t rely on the idea that owning a gun makes you safe. If anything, it’s a safety blanket that gives you the illusion of protection when in actuality it just stops you from meaningfully making the societal changes that would make a difference.


NRA is basically a branch of the KGB, anyone is expecting them to do anything against trump is a fucking idiot.

Yep. They should have rose up against the Biden Reich.

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