Me irl

By Th3-B0t
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Most intellectually honest philosophy debate

Unfortunately I can’t join the discussion, I read Nietzche.

Most of social media and the internet in a nutshell. Just not this honest.


That’s Reddit in a nutshell

Nietzsche is just as dead as God, he can’t speak. He only has his written works left.

Me _ Who’s niche by the way?


Personally, I think Nietzsche is overrated anyway. He was pretty full of himself.

They aren’t very good books, he just goes on and on.

Okay, I can join this debate.

“So far as the superstitions of the logicians are concerned, I shall never tire of emphasizing a small, terse fact, which these superstitious fellows are loath to admit—namely, that a thought comes when ‘it’ wishes, not when ‘I’ wish; so that it is a perversion of the facts of the case to say that the subject ‘l’ is the condition of the predicate ‘think.”
Beyond Good and Evil – Aphorism 17

Alright, all of you, get out. You’ve read Nietzsche.

You know, Nietzsche says, ‘Out of chaos comes order’

To be fair, most of his books are boring af, at least for my ape brain.

Read it? I own it! But no, I haven’t read it…

Americans in a screenshot

“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.”

— Abraham Lincoln

99% of internet discourse

Looks like an AI conversation to me

Reddit, in a nutshell.

idiocracy. this is literally our politics, media and society today. ignorance and dishonesty.

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