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Of course the founding was flawed. They knew it would be flawed. That’s why in the very document they wrote they made it possible to change it.

Every country is built to an extent on pillage, murder, conquest. You don’t get a large political-entity omelette without breaking a lot of eggs. Pretending the US just emerged out as a pure and spotless nation through the saintly actions of unimpeachable men doesn’t get you anywhere.

I mean. You’re not doing a pretty good job of hiding the names of these people…

The mark of maturity is being able to accept and own up to your flaws. America WAS growing up…

The founding fathers themselves knew they were flawed, that’s why they included the process for adding amendments to the constitution.

Teaching anything but facts is brainwashing and not ok

“Stop talking about the bad stuff in our past! It makes us look bad!” Sick argument.

I think everyone should read Howard Zinn’s *A People’s History of the United States*

Of course, the whole ‘slavery’ thing is one of the first things they edited…

The rest of the world is able to teach critical thinking and complex thinking to their kids. 💁🏻‍♀️
ISA, you can do it too.
(Maybe not in North Korea tho…) .

Viewing the founding of the US as ‘perfect’ also teaches children that they will never be able to beat or change the system. After all, it took our perfect forefathers to rise up and defeat a tyrannical empire. Are you perfect? No? Then stop resisting and do what you’re told.

You elected a fucking rapist/paedophile. How about you start the conversation with that.

Counter counterpoint. Does the Christian bible not condone the keeping and treatment of slaves?

It’s called nuance. You don’t teach they were perfect pillars. You acknowledge their wrongs and evils. Use it as a teaching point balancing the great deeds they committed to history with their more unsavory aspects. It’s part of the whole picture relating to the realities of the time. It’s not upto us to edit it to make it palatable. Known history edited to fit an agenda is just propaganda.

I’m starting to think 18th century slavers didn’t set up the world’s most effective system of government?

The truth heals!! Knowledge is power

You have to go to places where warlords are chopping off children’s arms to get more corrupt, flawed, and racist than america… RIGHT NOW

You’re right, kids are so dumb how could they possibly understand the difference between right and wrong..rules are for losers, they just hold you back in life. Do you think our billionaires got to where they are by following rules and laws and caring about their neighbors? Hell, most don’t even care about their own family members. Keep in mind, for every time something goes your way in life, the cost is always someone else’s life NOT going their way…everyone can’t be first, best or have the most. Thanks MAGA for opening my eyes to how unselfish I’ve been my whole life, which explains why I’m not a CEO or the #1 %

If you don’t teach truth it leaves open a moral vacuum which can then be filled with lies. This is the whole point. That is the US: a morally vacuous state. Why do you think US citizens worship the vapid?

It’s a great way to keep a population extremely docile and pliant. Why do you think Trump can run roughshod over everyone and everything? America builds weak people on purpose. Why do you think US schools worship grading and gamification? It shatters natural forms of dissonance and breeds complacency.

wow this dude realy dont like the French

But it was.

Why blur out his name? He put that out there.

Have none of them ever read Washington’s final address? Ffs

That Alibible they keep beating us over the head with, is a historical diary of land theft, murder, and slavery. Bad news, bears: that is their template for real life and real government

This country was founded to appease rich, white men and that’s exactly what it remains today.

They want american history white-washed, sane-washed, and easy to remember and regurgitate like a nursery rhyme, cause they think we’re all a bunch of idiot children and they want us to raise our kids that way.

How can morons like this get so much power? It’s incomprehensible

Obvious bot is obvious.

I’ve been watching it happen for years now, but it is still gobsmacking to see people say that telling people the truth would undermine our country.

Maybe it deserves to die.

Boom!!! Mic drop.

There are many contradictions in the Republican mindset. One of them is a desire to be seen as good, bible believing people whilst wanting to hold up certain individuals as infallible, sinless idols.

Doesn’t matter if it’s the founding fathers, the president (regardless of party), a judge, a police officer or anyone else. Biblical teaching is very clear: “For **all** have sinned”.

Crucially, that doesn’t excuse anyone’s wrongdoing, nor does it add value to “whataboutism” nor imply that all sins are equally wrong. What it does do is condemn anyone trying to deify mortal men.

If we teach founders were bad, and the people they reveled against were bad then we might rebel against bad and we can’t have that. We need a docile, obedient population.

Just imagine a German talking like that, you see how evil and stupid this position is.

Mike Pompeo, Trump’s original SecState, is such a fucking pompous loser.

I remember during the first term he tried to intimidate Mary Louise Kelly of NPR in a 1on 1 interview. He brought out a map with no names and tried to play a *gotcha* on her in saying “I bet you can’t even find Ukraine on the map!” Well, graduating from Harvard studying government, French, and literature; then going to Emmanuel College of Cambridge to earn a master’s in European studies… She immediately pointed to it.

It’s important to know that the founding of the country was based on the idea that what was done and written then, was expected to evolve and change. That’s a paraphrase of the founders words.

If everyone wasn’t doing the same thing everywhere else in the world at the time I’d agree with the counterpoint.

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