Absolutely no self awareness

By kh9107
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Candidate for r/SelfAwarewolves

Poor Margie. An elected official who speaks hatefully about people and then when the people she is suppose to represent disagree with her she’s the victim.

Can someone just banish that bitch back to the trailer park?

Bet that felt good. Shes forever embarrassing

She is an absolute piece of trash. I have come to a point where I assume no hypocrisy and mendacity beyond the 21st Century Republican Party. Snowflakes, each and every one of them are. They expect the respect they are unable to show for their fellow humans. Maybe they aren’t human after all…

Iā€™m gonna go out on a limb here and say MTG provoked the woman and her son and theyā€™re not actually insane

Is there any chance she got into a disagreement with her reflection?

Stop using twitter.

Switch to a different platform.

Boycott twitter as well as Tesla. Sell everything. Do not use anything. Delete and cancel your apps and starlink.

Was she wearing her red hat in the restaurant?

For the party of circus freaks to demand that other people treat them with respect is completely insane.

She just needs to STFU but is too stupid to know that.

Remember when she shared pornographic images with minors via email?

She deserves to be yelled at and much more

ā€œDifferent political views/opinionsā€ is like saying battery acid and water are two different ā€œliquidsā€, ones good for you the other is toxic as fuck

Is it true that she was attacked? Because I want to shake that person’s hand

And used that incident to launch her political career

Don’t forget the butt-fucking-ugly part

I HATE her. She ainā€™t seen nothing yet if I ever see her in public, especially at a restaurant that has hot grease ready to go!

Isn’t that just freedom of speech

MTG should never see a moment of peace when sheā€™s out in public

Zing on the DC Bomber.

That calls for some weak CPR on her until the ambulance shows up.

I hope nobody ever accidentally spills blue paint or dye all over her in public.

“That was a different situation”

Bitch please!!!

Attacked? Doubtful. Confronted with accountability from people who you allegedly represent. Probable.


Why the black bars?

Her face is hard to look at

She knows. Like all conservatives, she’s just a hypocrite.


Only the chocolate bars in the tinbxx

David Hogg is a grifter. He didn’t survive a school shooting. He wasn’t at the school that day.

It’s a good comeback, but David Hogg is a garbage human being, and I’ll die on that hill.

I hate MTG and all of MAGA but David is not a school shooting survivor. A person who is pistol whipped one time has more of a “survived gun violence” case than David does. Hell, majority of the US didn’t wasn’t present during that shooting either, does that mean we all get to say we survived a school shooting?

I despise that woman however the fact that an 18 year old has a staff? His only achievement is surviving a traumatic experience. Money has to be removed from politics period.

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