America is built by immigrants

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Besides the fact that this isn’t vaguely true, white people have no claim to America.

Jesus fucking christ

What is every European country

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At the end of the day, the enemy of every whiteman ends up being his own imagination.

Iโ€™m positive he can move back to Russia.

I wouldn’t call black slaves immigrants.ย 

Russia is right there for you dumbassโ€ฆ

Please feel free to find that place Tucker. As a white guy im gonna hang here tho. Good luck with that. Itโ€™d be the pastiest place in the world

Doesn’t nearly every white american talk about their heritage and ‘home country?’ The use of the phrase ‘in the old country’ is so common it’s a trope in movies and TV. How many times has some person born/raised in MN talked about how they’re ‘german’ or someone from TX saying they’re ‘irish’ etc?

Fun fact: what are considered “white Americans” were first kicked out of europe

White is a nationality now?

What a fuckin bozo.

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Bro your last name is Scandinavian

I wish this bloated ham would stfu for a single day

There is no reason why Native Americans canโ€™t have a place all to themselves- oh wait they did and the white settlers slaughtered them and took their land but letโ€™s not talk about that or the conditions on the Reservations- RIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT ๐Ÿคก

Origin of the name Carlson.


Carlson is a masculine name of Scandinavian origin. Meaning โ€œfree peasant settlementโ€ and โ€œfree man,โ€ this stand-out moniker is an anglicized form of the Swedish names Carlsson or Karlsson. It symbolizes freedom and liberty.

Tucker, you are a free man. Go back to your free peasant settlement in Scandinavia.

We dont want them in Europe either though. Perhaps we can reserve a piece of the moon for them.

I wish I could say I’m surprised that this is coming from this man, but damn…
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as much as they wanna go to Europe we over there to, and I know they be mad when they go to places like the UK, Italy, and France because there quite literally are inwards in Paris…๐Ÿคญ

Europe, bitch.

The tool needs to go back to Putin…. he is a Russian assistant after all. Lots of white people there.

This might be literally the dumbest thing ever said. At *least* the dumbest in the past decade or so. Christ on a sidecar

Go tussle with Demons Tuck.

White people after colonizing the world for centuries: WhY aRe ThErE sO mAnY cOlOuReDs

And Palestinians

Itโ€™s not even true honestly, every country has a majority sure but even fuckin China has more kinds of people than just Chinese. People are way too quick to accept this thought at face value.

As a citizen of this great planet I offer them to create that homeland in Antarctica I hear there’s tons of land there and the untouched scenery is something to die for!

Ah more and more james Baldwin continues to be almost prophetic. He has talked about how whirs people need to feel better than us because they have no identity and rely on us to define what they arenโ€™t

European Americans be saying the damnedest things

We donโ€™t want them back. Sincerely, Europe.

Where tf does he think white people sprang up from? Connecticut?

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God I hate this potato headed fuck.

Air drop his fat ass over Russia. It’s packed with white people…poor white people, but nonetheless.

The caves of Caucasus is their homeland. Where does this troglodyte think his ancestors learned to stand upright? Does he forget that his people come from the cold, cold mountain caves of Patmos, I mean Caucasia?

Mf can’t even wear a bow tie anymore, can’t take his bitch ass seriously

He got fat

Lol they have plenty. EUROPE! Take yo asses BACK! Those caves awaitโ€ฆ.

What’s a “home” land? Is it a place you kick natives out of? Unclear..

this nation you call White, Is it in the room right now?

White people are not a nation

Maybe white people don’t really exist ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป

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