What’s the greatest “I’m dead and i know it” moment in movies?

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Austin Powers steam roller guy

“Clever girl.”

True Romance – Dennis Hopper

Miles Dyson in T2

Billy in Predator

Gary Oldman, The Fifth Element

Guy with the husky voice in Independence Day

The guy in Waterworld. “Oh thank god”.

“I have been…and always shall be… your friend. Live long…and prosper.”

Joe Pesci Goodfellas

“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.”

Ed Harris – Enemy at the Gates

Tom Hanks-Saving Private Ryan. Shooting at a tank with a pistol is pretty iconic

Toy Story 3, when they’re all holding hands in the incinerator.

Bill-Kill Bill

Fly, you fools!

Sniper dudes in Black Hawk Down?

“This is from Matilda”

John Coffey, The Green Mile

Tea Leoni’s character and her dad in Deep Impact. That was heartbreaking 🥺

Matt Damon in the departed

Taking a guess here because lack of context, but is that a picture from Speed?

Michael Fassbender Inglorious Basterds

You’ve killed us all, you arrogant bastard.” – The Hunt for Red October

Vasquez & Gorman in Aliens
“You always were an @$$H0l3 Gorman!”

The guys in Rogue One at the end.

Goodfellas, when Tommy thinks he’s getting made. The joy quickly turning to dread barely muttering “Oh no” before getting domed

Glory when a lot of the main characters breached the fort and turned a corner and there were cannons and guns pointed at them.

Obi-Wan/Ben Kenobi in Star Wars. That slight smile he gives Vader after he sees Luke…Gives me chills every time.

Liam Neeson in Batman Begins. He just closes his eyes and accepts his fate. It’s such a powerful moment for me

Lord Loxley to the Sheriff at the beginning of Robin Hood:Prince of Thieves. “God! And King Richard!”

Woody harrelson in no country for old men. Gawd. Creepy.

Clever girl

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