Bernie Sanders is way, way more popular than Donald Trump. People want healthcare, housing, and higher wages.

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> healthcare, housing & higher wages

That is what I used to want. Now I want all of that plus NO BILLIONAIRES. Those motherfuckers need to pay for what their class has done.

Man Bernie is inspirational. I don’t know how anyone can listen to Bernie for 5 minutes and not see that he’s a real person speaking to real issues.

DNC: over our dead bodies.

I just saw Gavin Newsome was on Charlie Kirk’s podcast, that Cuomo is running as a blue MAGA for mayor of NYC, and that some Dems are pushing to push the Democratic platform to the right. How do we get rid of these vacuous fossils and their lobbyists and consultants? How do we make the Democratic party adopt a platform like Bernie’s?

Healthcare is a human right. Housing is a human right. A living wage is a human right

God he would’ve been a great president.

Unfortinatelt, the corporate class is now integral to electibility, the same way theyre integral to your healthcare and your federal tax payments. Its basically stage 4 cancer that kills the immune system allowing fascism to kill you.

Bernie as an independent could be president (if we ever have elections again….)

Watch the DNC put up Gavin Newsom for 2028 because he’s in bed with a bunch of rich donors and a perfect representation of the party’s deep corruption. I don’t think we’ll ever get a truly progressive candidate as long as the DNC is around to hammer down anyone who’s not part of their inner circle.

I wish he’d come to Ohio. I’d like to attend one of his speeches.

The democrats fear him, but he was the choice before Hilary.

But not popular enough for the DNC machine

I love Bernie but he is in no way more popular than Trump, and that’s a problem. I hate how Reddit minimizes the problems we have by inflating opinion based off how Reddit appears from inside this bubble. Reddit is not the real world people. Wake up and fight.

They don’t want those things bad enough to vote for them. Or to vote at all. 

If that were true he would have been elected. Unfortunately, a big part of the democrat base, african americans, generally do not like bernie.

He’s also not particularly popular outside of the left, of course he’s popular on reddit, but he lost because he has trouble connecting with non-whites. It’s just the facts.

If that were true he’d be president.

If Clinton didn’t steal the nomination from Bernie. We’d be living in a *very* different world…

Yeah, but the people in position and lobbyists don’t want him, which should tell you enough about who the politicians are working for.

How many of them will get off their ass and vote this time around?

Why didn’t they vote then

Ummmm, I know they won’t let you be president down there Bernie, but maybe you could come try in Canada. We would totally let you in a vote for you. Also we would annex Vermont for you. Just saying.

been saying this for many years. democrats would rather have trump be the president than bernie.

EVEN AFTER trumps latest 90m speech the democrats tried to put a fucking CIA stooge who was active during the iraq war at the head of the speer to respond to him. STILL IGNORING BERNIE. all of them sitting in the room and doing nothing to protest trump’s speech while MTG and Boebart would constantly scream at biden when the role was reversed.

democrats are useless by design. they wont save you, the only way someone like bernie or aoc will get into power is through a large enough grass-roots movement that demands it. it wont come from the top. if you dont see that yet you never will.

look at how effectively republicans subvert the legal mechanisms of America’s democratic institutions. all the smartest, most powerful lobbyists in the land are working with them to dismantle the system. meanwhile the party that was designed for representing the working/middle class are completely and utterly incapable of using the system that they were endowed with to fight trump. like a bunch of headless chickens running for the exits.

the four tenants:

– unionisation

– peaceful protesting

– civil disobedience

– anti-consumerism

Too bad his spine always collapses for the good of the party.

The problem is that someone 50 years younger should be the one leading the charge to fight for these things. Where are the younger versions of Bernie in politics? Ex-CIA lady is not it.

America isn’t ready to accept socialism. And by that I mean the billionaire class isn’t ready to handout anything to the poors. Because that’s how it would need to be paid for.

We missed a huge opportunity with this guy in ’16. What a travesty.

And they’re both ridiculously old and need to retire.

Our country doesn’t deserve him, but I’m thankful for him every single day


Can that dude who’s doing all that weird anti aging stuff tag in Bernie Sanders please

Bernie is on FIRE! Give ’em hell Bernie!


He’s not more popular to the DNC and their donors though

But lower intelligence people (which, is an insanely large amount) want to have a “boogeyman” and like to express anger and racism openly.

They found the guy who literally was willing to change laws to let the grumpkins get “that brown person” or “guy that dresses like a girl” out of their neighborhood.

Everything else was just ridiculous lies. (Which, again, circle back to the ignorance point).

Trump could have said they’ll get a gold bar if they vote for him, and they would check the mailbox daily for 4 straight years expecting it.

For fuck’s sake, He’s over 80. Please will we lift younger people up faster in American politics?

His ideas are. He isn’t.

I love Bernie!! He never stops fighting and this is the leadership we need! I feel energized when I listen to Bernie. Not sure where the rest of Democratic leadership is…

He’s the REAL president. Not this other lying, cheating, thieving prick of a man.

Going to be attending in Warren, MI this Saturday! Looking forward to it!

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