Didnt you all take health class?

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Health class in my school neglected to teach anything about this. Seriously, in junior high, they separated the boys and girls and had them take separate health classes, and the boy one skipped over all anatomy. And the health classes in highschools were not better. They were so bad I thought blow jobs could cause pregnancy afterwards

Seeing an abstract diagram and understanding what the real human body does are two very different things

Example: I’ve baffled every female I’ve ever been with by making my dick move on its own

I know other women who think this..

Where funny?

Women have a cloaca… right?

This is a good example of a meme that is just straight up not funny, it can barely be considered a meme.

My favorite thing: making fun of people for something they were never taught and is difficult to observe. I took health class and was married to my wife for years before she pointed this out. Stop being douchebags to the people who don’t know.

I have met women that didn’t really understand how it all worked.

Because when men say “the same hole” they mean your vagina. And as far as my health class taught me that is technically correct. Just not 100% accurate.

Correct me if we pee out of anywhere else tho cause I might be doing it wrong

But it’s the Fourth Hole

There’s no way this is true. Unless you mean that they’re mistaking the vagina for the orifice from which they urinate… God I hope that’s what you mean

It’s the same thing essentially

Yes, I did. It was at a Christian School, where I was told the only safe birth control is not to have sex before marriage.

Also, all oral sex was forbidden and the only position was missionary.

Thankfully, my cousin had a fuck ton of nudie mags



Health class wasn’t available to special ed kids when I was in school. Of course I know but there’s definitely people that don’t.

No, when I went through that class we did some things as a group but when it got to names and descriptions they split the girls from the boys into separate rooms. So I didn’t really learn anything in that class.

Wait!!! Women pee!!! I didn’t know that!

Whats the joke?

We only learned about our own junk in middle school  and were split up by boys/girls.   Sex ed was a joint class in high school just about reproduction.

It is if you try hard enough.

Wait… it’s not!?

what about when they realize all men want to put the penis in the hole where the poop come out?


Slight grammar error, it should say that you pee from *not* that they pee from

Edit: Well, I guess docking is technically a thing (not the meme tho)

Everything I know about sex I know from online research and absolutely nothing from school

If there’s a hole, there’s a goal

First time i had sex ed in 4th grade we had a box where we could ask any question we could think of.

First clear that up with every woman before being annoyed at men

You know, some people do this anyway. 😏🫠 #extremesounding.com

I remember vividly that the education system separated the boys and girls to learn about *their* body parts and not the other sex’s body parts. Don’t blame me for not knowing, blame the system for not teaching me. Granted I could’ve learned about it at any time due to the internet but I had not interest in knowing about it.

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