Trump reacts to something he doesn’t like in the Oval Office on March 6th

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Just like a petulant fucking toddler

Ladies and gentlemen, I present you the official Presidential portrait.

He’s filling his diaper.

Surprised he doesn’t cover his ears with his hands and goes “lalalalalalalalalala can’t hear you” when he hears something he doesn’t like.

Does this man baby grow facial hair?

His face is really fucking weird.
I get he has a shitload of makeup on….but think about it….have you ever seen this guy with a hint of stubble?

Must be pooping.

My kids make the same face when I make the wrong Mac and cheese.

God he’s such a stupid man-child. Looks like he let out a silent one and is taking in his own shit smell like a fine wine.


How is this not a meme yet?

Not to be shallow, but this guy has to be the ugliest motherfucker to ever occupy the oval office.

Truly grotesque

Did someone tell him that people have rights?

No joke, my 3yo daughter makes the same face

Shoulder pads. The signs of a true man in 2025!!! Hahaha

Guys, he’s slipping, my pops is going through it as well….

It isn’t going to get better, he’s going to get more impulsive, more chaotic, angrier and less articulate.

He’s running on fumes… I’m no doctor but yeh it’s either Alzheimers, Frontal lobe disorder or dementia…

Time to buckle up

Is he imagining Putin is leaning in for a kiss too?

What the fuck does anyone see in this dude? Holy heck.

He go poo poo

This man has blood on his hands. An absolute traitor to the west..

America is now a traitor to the west and all its values.

My 82 year old mum used to make this face all the time if we said something she didn’t like! She has dementia and had no idea who any of us were. Eventually she fell, broke her hip and died. So I guess there’s hope yet!

A man who wants to destroy our country along with his cult of dumbasses.

There was a salad on his menu

Musk is giving it to him from behind the desk!

Looks like the poop emoji

Question for Americans here I can see this picture getting a lot of hate and despise for trump, why did y’all vote for him?

Oh no, he must have heard… facts.

Was it the truth? We all know he hates the truth. Can’t stand it, can’t speak it.

This is how my 3 year old acts when I tell her she has to eat her dinner before she can have cookies.

The man is a literal giant baby.

He recalls JD Van’s golden shower on him.

Brocoli ? 🤔

Looks like someone must’ve mentioned consensual sex.

Get rid of him, America.

This is how he looks with any fact checking.



That face

I get this look on my face every time I remember that he won the election.

He’s an embarrassment on the world stage and history will show it

A face not even a mother could love.

he looks like he smell shit

Poor baby!

He probably does the same face when he is about to lick melania

Someone asked him to read the King’s letter

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