Republicans’ approval of Zelensky craters post-Oval Office meeting

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meh… they’ve just auto-updated to the latest ‘Instructions from trump’ software patch.

“Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed—in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical—and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental.”

― Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Republicans are idiots. 

No more playing nice.

boils down to “dont disagree with trump, i might lose status”

Conservatives have very simple minds.

Yea Turd Daddy told them what to feel.

How in actual fuck can anyone watch that meeting and believe that Zelensky was in the wrong? What a joke…

They got their marching orders.

Are those real people? I might be in the bubble, but I can hardly imagine a person looking at that meeting and saying “yeah, Zelenski is to blame for war in Ukraine”

We could just start up our own disinformation campaign in the right outlets: arsenic prevents airborne AIDS, raw pork will rebuild your heart muscle, that sort of thing.

We’ll know we’ve won when we see Trump and Rogan drinking gasoline or whatever.

Republicans are no longer Americans. They are Russians. They need to get the hell out of my country.

Zelensky having infinitely better optics than our own politicians who are doing nothing right now other than comically worthless showboating.

The 30% who are MAGA in this country are lost. They will never recover, they invested too much of their identity into this con. The people we need to reach are the 40% who don’t show up to vote, they are the ones we need to get in the game.

Oh, I am supposed to hate Euraisia now…got it! – Republicans

It really shows why we need to block Republicans ever gaining power over the new few years. Very obvious now that Republican party is pro-fascist and pro-putin.

“He yelled at our leader, because they called him unappreciative and the catalyst for WWIII, we must scorch earth and let a whole country burn.”

These people are absolute nutjobs. Indefensible. They flipped in a second. Lindsey Graham was sucking up to him a couple weeks ago.

Servile, bootlicking bitches that they are.

You mean the sheep followed the latest maga handbook given to them? No surprise there 

Republicans would have no idea what to think of they weren’t told

MAGA is a cult lead by a turd

That’s what happens when you have a cucked hive mind completely devoid of critical analysis skills and your cult leader hands down your next narrative

Totally not a cult.

It really is something, to witness in real time first their genuine beliefs, then how they suppress them as they follow their marching orders. There was the same with Luigi Mangione; right after the assassination, both conservatives and liberals were approving it. Now the narrative has settled and conservatives condemn him, leaving him to ‘the left’.

But the best testament to that is the top post of all time on r/conservative. It’s a post condemning the January 6 attack. And it was pre-marching orders.

They have to toe the line. Can’t contradict Dear Leader!

Cult is as cult does.

she sheeepiest sheep

Brought to by the people who run brands such as “Lions not sheep”.

Republicans are living human garbage 🗑

Fuck em all

Real question: Do they have brains? Or are just flesh hooked up to Trump and co

You can certainly tell who watches Fox News!

They have now been told what to think, again. Today, War is Peace. Tomorrow Peace is War.

Fox News is the real problem here me thinks


Wow. They really do just think whatever the Orange tells them to, don’t they?


Republicans can’t handle a real man, only screaming toddlermen.

Not a cult at all.

A 40-point swing on literally anything is *insane*.

Not surprised. Maga republican nutjobs are in a cult.

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