McDonald’s New “Play Place” for Children. Two screens/two chairs

By Finkenn
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stop this is so depressing

Don’t go outside. Stare at the screen, child.

black mirror vibes

This is actually fucking sad


Teach them macrodata refining at a young age

This is worse than nothing

Omg this is terrifying

Lawyer resistant.

This legitimately hurt to see.


God, this is sad.

I absolutely HATE this

Generation of the iPad children

We will see the generation with the lowest attention span of all time

This is next level of depressing

Why did they make all the fast food places so depressing? 😭😭😭 They weren’t like that back in the day. They were vibrant and whimsical. As much as a fast food restaurant could be.

I think this image will go viral across social media over the next year. It’s one of those pictures that clearly illustrates the darkness of the modern world.

So glad I got to grow up in the 90s man

This is actually depressing as hell.

What the McFuck

I’ve been doomscrolling the news all week and this post is still somehow the most depressing thing I’ve seen on Reddit lately.

“Children, you must move your body as little as possible. Stay still or The Ronald will find you.”

Oh my god… this is so sad…

Welcome to 2025’s dystopia

More dystopian than liminal.

Man that’s so sad

This is dystopian as fuck.

fun corner

Lmao this is a whole new level of tablet kid, this is mental

I would be surprised if this replaces the full sized play places, and it’s not just in restaurants without them. Someone correct me if I’m wrong 

one of the grimmest things I’ve seen

Well now that’s depressing.

Profoundly sad.

this is next level

Well that’s not depressing.

That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever seen

is this where they write their drivers tests or something? brutal



This is horrifying. Genuinely it’s like they’re encouraging the screen addiction that most kids have these days, wtf.

I have such blissfully ignorant memories of how amazing the jungle gym and ball pool were even they were totally gross, no one cared. God society sucks these days.

This…is the single saddest fucking thing I have seen in a long time. I get it. I get why they make changes like this; I get that it was expensive and difficult to maintain an indoor playground, but seeing the devolution of childhood play like this in a photo, just…

If you showed this to someone in the 80’s they woulda thought we lost the cold war

*”Welcome. Welcome to City-17”*

Someone needs to tell these guys what a play place is

If you pick the wrong chair, the hamburgler comes out and steals your child.

What corporate assholes thought this was a good idea?

Anyone remember when they had N64s in mcdonalds


It’s for the 14 year old employees to take their single 15 minute break for their 10 hour shift.

This is so sad that it’s hilarious omg

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