And those pesky labour laws prevent us from exploiting a race of dwarves for free labour…
4 days ago
If I got fired, i’ll risk that last jump
4 days ago
I hope the oompa loompas get breaks, health insurance etc. Or that’s exploitation
4 days ago
Not for long
4 days ago
The one local chocolate shop discontinued production during WW2, due to shortages. But they stayed working: there molded rubber items for the war effort. Then after war, they resumed creating delicious chocolate.
4 days ago
But they have a chocolate river, though.
4 days ago
That is the only right answer….
4 days ago
The Auntu Donna sketch like this is fantastic. Stapling oompa loopmas together to avoid labour taxes.
And those pesky labour laws prevent us from exploiting a race of dwarves for free labour…
If I got fired, i’ll risk that last jump
I hope the oompa loompas get breaks, health insurance etc. Or that’s exploitation
Not for long
The one local chocolate shop discontinued production during WW2, due to shortages. But they stayed working: there molded rubber items for the war effort. Then after war, they resumed creating delicious chocolate.
But they have a chocolate river, though.
That is the only right answer….
The Auntu Donna sketch like this is fantastic. Stapling oompa loopmas together to avoid labour taxes.
Sharing because it brings me joy
As they should. Imagine how bad a death it would be falling into a giant vat of scolding hot chocolate.
I like this guy
Ever seen the Film Theory video where Matpat goes over how many OSHA violations Wonka has?
It must be exhausting dealing with the constant barrage of W.W. references for an irl chocolate factory worker
Oompa loompa doopity follow regulations and safety.
You called them Wonka and not a ‘professional fudge packer’? It was right there