Elf’s last stand

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Question is, is it the human part she hates more, or the horse part?

Truly, the racism of an elf is unyielding

Not only a new elf face meme, but a LotR reference, incredible.

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This isn’t your average every day racism.

This is…ELF racism.

Screeching noises

This is what gonna happen to her
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Horse slurs?

“Your mother was raised in a barn!”


“Yer not Mr. Ed, yer stup-Ed!”

“Your father was a gelding!”

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The only good centaur is an elf’s glue stick,

I usually get a chuckle from these, this one sent me to the races, i couldnt breathe lmao

That’s just every dnd session ever

…. I’m curious, what exactly are the horse slurs

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Feel like the elf girl should have also said “neigh”


Guess we havin’ elf purée for dinner tonight

This is the triumph of hubris.


I’m fucking dying man, this is the invention of a new stylistic technique

So do we get a crossover with starposting?

I would really love to see this guy draw the og metal slug character select faces, his style just nails it lol

Thought this was bonehurtingjuice for a moment

The Isildur x Jon Snow collab hits NICE!

I don’t know why but in my tired state I thought she said “neigh” as a response

for dolores!!!

I love the part where no one is following her into battle.

Missed opportunity to say “Nay.”

you should give ber a fake crown or sometging….

Better than Aragorn.


Love it

She have honor as a competitive racist, she can’t just say that she’s sorry

I used to ship elf x human but I’m starting to think human deserves someone better and elf deserves to be alone.

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