No hurricane has ever crossed the equator

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Just wait until I become a hurricane next month shit will be wild

Similarly, no car has ever performed open heart surgery on a human.

Because spin

There is a wall on the equator, where gay frogs are preventing tornados to get through


Because they canโ€™t. Trade winds rotate in the opposite direction on either side of the equator.

Even I know very itty bitty about hurricanes. But even I get that they spin in different direction depending on which hemisphere they derive.

Though when I did first learn of it I did find it pretty interesting and this map showing it is still interesting. So I’ll just be quiet =P

The cute, singular South American hurricane ๐Ÿคฃ

That’s just what the government WANTS you to think

Hurricanes aren’t real.


Its due to Corealis force.

Cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes are all the same shit with different names because happens in different oceans or hemisphere, and we decided to name them differently because fuck it.

Cyclone – south hemisphere and indian ocean

Hurricane – North and Central Atlantic. East Pacific

Typhoon – west pacific.

[image]comment image)

How come South America has had so few?

That is like saying nothing has ever fallen up.

Or….. Africa?

Neither has a typhoon or a cyclone.

Flat earthers, explain this.

Malaysia โ€ฆland of blessings

This is the map I show the idiots who say we shouldn’t rebuild after a hurricane and that those areas should be abandoned.

It is obbvious, as the Coriolis effect is nearly zero at Equator. Neverless they spin clockwise and anticlockwise on N and S hemisphere, they do also have different names: hurricane, cyclone, typhoon

Followup question…

As an American, I only ever hear about the hurricane season in the gulf. That said, this map is telling me that there are more numerous, more powerful hurricanes in the south China sea.

Is that the case?

Thatโ€™s because it would have to start spinning in the other direction

Something about the coriolis effect I think

Coriolis effect

To be fair, neither have I.

Physics is a thing.

Duh… they cannot pass through the calm belts to the North and South of the Grand Line.

Coriolis effect, baby!

If they did, it would have to spin the other direction, thus neutralizing the storm. Basic weather science

Itโ€™s why if buying a Caribbean home, Aruba, Bonaire and Curaรงao are amazing since they are outside the hurricane belt

Coriolis forces are awsome

Coriolis effect

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