I guess Demn

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The fear of the “Reddit unfairness.” I have been banned and warned for the stupidest reasons without any right to defense.

Quick! Someone violate the rules so I can upvote it and get a warning!

Thou shalt not thought-crime

Reddit, 2025

How and why?

Is this new rule even real

I posted a comment in r/NoStupidQuestions where I was discussing how every nazi domestic terrorist who attacks a gay pride parade turns out to be gay himself, and I got permabanned form there because everyone thought I was calling all gay people nazis for some reason, even though I specifically denied that multiple times.

I got permabanned the other day form r/interestingasfuck for posting in r/Jordan_Peterson_Memes . the thing is I go there to try to TALK SENSE to those people. I tried pointing this out, and the bot simply muted me for a month for doing anything other than groveling and promising to delete my posts there.

You can get ban for upvoting a comment? That’s totally not going to get abused.

Hahaha ! the fear is real .

It’s a business like Walmart .. they can make whatever rules they and you can go elsewhere if you don’t like it ..

I can see why people think this is a stupid change but why would an innocent person be upvoting posts that break rules?

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