Warnings were given

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I know why he’s upset. Those fuckers are expensive! My father in law did this to me after I specifically told him it was a reusable filter. Didn’t find out til I went to clean it.

Idk it looks a little dirty in there

Don’t forget a quarter of blinker fluid, and two new muffler bearings

When I was an oil change technician and then manager, I’d have left it if there was just a sticker. If there wasn’t one and I opened it to an obvious K&N filter, I’d be annoyed that I went to the trouble and then I’d tell the customer if I thought it was fine or if I thought it was due for a cleaning.

How does a lifetime air filter work? Don’t all filters eventually get dirty from the very thing they’re filtering?

I have a triumph motorbike and there’s two stages of air filters. The final one before the carbs is requires the fuel tank off and partial removal of the carbs.

Changed it before finding out it’s supposed to be a lifetime filter. Felt like adding a label with “if you’re reading this, you should have read the service manual before starting, like I didn’t”

So much easier and better to just replace air filters

Fuck KnN filters, they don’t filter for shit

Happy cake day!


His mistake is not having the label in multiple languages.

Waiting for a man like this

You due for another timing belt. And throw that filter in the bin lol

How is it a lifetime air filter? Does it self-clean somehow?

Oiled filters just seem like a dumb idea all around. It filters jack shit, you have just warmed up oil catching a little fine dust and that’s it. A normal replaceable filter is cheaper, thus more cost effective and way cleaner saving you the hustle to get mechanical parts repaired due to fine dirt and debris, also you would get it checked every so often in germany anyways since you need TÃœV (a check for if your car is technically fit for the road and safe) every two or so years. Also

You have to be careful when you’re beating someone senseless that you don’t accidentally kill them.

Thanks, [Meowface_the_cat](/user/Meowface_the_cat/), for this FUNNY post. Whoever catches those hands sure would be a sonofabitch. I’m still chuckling about some mechanic getting savaged and maybe pleading for mercy. hahaha.

Please explain. Is this an easy do it yourself upgrade? That looks like a timing belt, tho. Why would there be an air filter in there?

Congrats, you fouled your MAP/MAF sensor.

What happened after the warnings?

Newsflash, the paper filter is better. Those are a waste of money. Sure you can clean it , but the oil kills MAF sensors .


I need to put one of those on my kid’s truck filter.

No such thing as a permanent air filter. K&N is guilty of deceptive marketing

Permanent timing belt too on this car 😉

That sounds like a challenge. Does anyone know his wife? I’ve got these filters for sale…

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