France VS USA on Tesla.

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If what’s currently happening in America were to happen in France, the French would probably burn Paris to the ground.

I’m English and we will readily admit that the French are champions of the protest.

EDIT: If they bring the farmers in, it’s game over.

Someone at the Government Efficiency shouls do something about all those cops being payed by the taxpayer to protct private property.

No one protests like the French

Why have I seen two photos of police protecting a Tesla on the street and now a store? Did I miss something? Shouldn’t they be protecting yachts? I heard they are being set ablaze

In the US the people fear the government. In France the government fears the people.

America is now waving the white flag to Nazism.

The French always go hard!

“When they go low, you go high” only works when both partied follow the rules and the rules are enforced.

You can’t dismantle benefits for low income, do a Nazi salute, blow up junk in space, then tell people it’s for the greater good. That level of evil needs to be removed from O² privileges.


How we should be to the French right now:

The irony of the goverment wasting tax payer money defending the property of a billionaire that hates the goverment because he thinks it wastes money.

Ah cops, the true CLASS TRAITORS.

It would be great if they would protect abortion clinics that way.

Considering the crash in sales are we sure its not insurance fraud?

The greatest crime in America is to prevent commerce.

At least 20 police officers… Is that “government efficiency”?

I heard someone say that this is why protests don’t work as well in America as they do in other countries: our police enjoy opportunities to kill us.

That’s what oligarchy looks like…

The French certainly know how to protest!

Fuck Tesla

The US is being destroyed by a rapist and South African unelected immigrant, yet the only reactions to this have been in Scotland and France.

I keep thinking back to the fuckwits in their cammo cosplay and shopping with the AR15s, shouting about how the 2nd Amendment is the benchmark of freedom.

The very same bunch of cunts are now watching the country collapse.

You elected a twice impeached, multi times bankrupt, 34 x fellon and rapist/paedophile.

You get what you paid for and deserve Russia🖕🇺🇸


I’m not condoning violence at all, but I also have zero sympathy for Tesla. The French don’t tolerate Nazis’

I bet this wasn’t even protest or vandalism. Tesla sales dropped off a cliff and the dealership decided it was easier to burn the lot and claim insurance.
I’m just trying to start rumors.

Good use of your taxpaying dollars..protect the world’s richest man’s car dealership.

Who is the surrender monkey now?

The second image is disturbing. Stormtroopers defending the Tesla stores at all costs.

Who’s surrendering to the Nazis now?

There’s a lot more resistance in Europe than in America where they just post Tik Tok videos. They also vandalize the Tesla dealerships over here.

Elon, gather up your dumpsters and GTFO the continent.

And learn how to wear a f hat correctly, the current one is too small and it’s like a used but not removed condom on your head at 54 years old.

Protecting it because of the women’s march going by is wild since these marches happen yearly and have not gotten violent. Ridiculous.

Ngl, I think the US could use a french revolution.
Preferably one where they use the guillotine on the righ and powerful, no?

So maybe, just maybe it’s not the community whom they really serve and protect 🤔

“We serve to protect Capital gains!”

Boy, do the French know how to throw a party or what?

THis thread will be full of <Removed by Reddit>, hell the thread itself will be removed probably. Your ruling class doesnt want you to take example dear US citizens.

Saving US taxpayers money, I see.

France doesn’t really take shit they’re quick to cause a revolution 😂

Spot the fascist.

Just throw some donuts on the ground and you’ll get them squealing and fighting themselves.

French people have balls.

Quick, form a human shield around the merchandize.

France knows how to revolt

Public spending for protect a private corporation… But ofc this is Europe fault too.

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