It happens sometimes

By crno123
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I was playing WoW one time as a tank. Was a tank for years and was in a raid during Mists.

I was writing index cards for the raid to remember what to do for all the bosses. Then it hit me. I remember looking at the cards and just thinking: *What am I doing? I’m not having fun, I”m doing homework.*

I quit doing and only go back for minor things but I am honestly much happier.

Reason I dropped playing pvp games and anything remotely with pvp.

Always said, I play games to de-stress after a hard day of work. Only to hop on games that made me 100x more stressful than work did.

Then it hit me, this isn’t de-stressing, this is far more stressful than having 100 deadlines on projects which are due in a few days and I still haven’t started on.

I stopped playing pvp games and my gaming life is much more enjoyable now.

My issue is that I’ll stop games I DO enjoy and like. 😭

If those destiny 2 players could read they would be very upset

League Of Legends

Sigh, for me, it’s the stress of my job, aging, and just depression from adulthood. The magic I had with video games, it’s gone man.

Now even video games feel like a chore at times.

I got RDR2 on sale because everyone raves about how it’s the greatest game ever made. I’m 10 hours in and it just doesn’t feel like it’s for me, I keep hoping it clicks but maybe this is the message I needed.

I currently enjoy Lies of P. I dont enjoy dying.

I go through snowrunner burnout regularly

i need to finish death stranding so bad

It’s also ok to be too busy to play games cuz life is like that sometimes

Sunk cost fallacy is a bitch 😭

Some of you need to hear this… it’s ok to finish games too 😅 I’ve got about 40 started with zero finished

me putting 30 hrs into Skyrim:

“So when does this get good?”

Monster Hunter Wilds for me

Warzone has become a torture chamber for me . I already quit.

FF7 Rebirth for me.

This was like everyone with Fortnite.

I also want to add that using cheats/trainers to help you along the way is not a bad thing either. If it helps you finish a game, or get past a boss, and you don’t want to invest the time and effort to conquer them, then so be it.

I played the entirety of Avowed by using the unlimited stamina cheat, and that alone made the game a whole lot more bearable for me. With how slow the progression is in the game, buffing your stamina while also upgrading your abilities is nearly impossible *for me*. So I used that cheat to remove one difficult aspect about the game and finished it, and had a ton of fun.

Fallout 76. I love the series and lore, but I just couldn’t get through the game, the subscription and micro transactions killed it.

Yeah, if gaming isn’t your job and is just a hobby, it’s supposed to be fun
Also, you can always pick it up later, maybe the reason you’re not enjoying it isn’t the game itself, but something else

Yeah I’ve taken this philosophy to heart (maybe too far!), my steam library is filled with games abandoned after 4-10 hours. Last abandoned one was Hogwarts Legacy. Like why couldn’t I abandon them within the refund time period…

But once in awhile a new game still does come along and takeover my brain.

I reached the highest rank in Tekken 8 so I can finally never play that fucking garbage again 🙂

Civilization 6, Elden Ring, Horizon Zero Dawn, Sim City 2, RDR2, Cyberpunk, and God of War.

I enjoyed the first hour of bloodborne but I just stopped playing bc I don’t know how to play souls games. I don’t like having to repeat sections and lose loot once you die.

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well i did this today so i am at peace

This was warzone for me. I have family out of state and it’s the only game they’ll play with me.

The constant grind for Meta weapons, the constant YouTube videos to watch for the latest updates/tips. I couldn’t handle it anymore. We haven’t played games together in 2 years because they refuse to play anything else.

This is Tarkov for me, yet still I have 800 hours

Elden Ring. God is this game depressing.


It hit me all at once. I had never really considered stopping until one day while playing it, I thought, “Have I really had any fun playing this?” The answer was no.

Me and KCD 2, I just can’t get into it. The combat is so stupid, and the in-game economy is so broken if you don’t steal

GoW man. I just can’t finish it however great people say it is.

Shadow Of The Tomb Raider. I tried but it was just an awful way to end the trilogy.

It’s dead cells for me. But I didn’t get why I am replaying and sometimes I get stuck.

Halo Infinite was tough to let go…

Yes, however, I make exceptions for games my friends appear to be infatuated with.

With each type of game, they do, in turn, know how I will react if I’m not enjoying it. Simply off making my own fun somewhere, sabotaging them, or quietly assisting them. =)

I had to stop playing DBZ Kakarot, was enjoying it (more for the nostalgia not the gameplay loop lol) but it had a memory leak or some kind of issue with system cache where if you didn’t restart your PC after playing it and tried to play it again the game would crash and cause blue screens and other issues with a error message saying I ran out of VRAM even though I have a 4090 and it was on average using 8gb of VRAM.

System became so unstable in a few days of playing it I had to do a clean install of windows to fix it.

That’s why i stopped watching To Aru Index, it looked very nice, but i wasn’t enjoying it.

For me, that was Duke Nukem Forever.

Got half-way through and just quit.

Hardcore excellent advice!

i know, i quit doom eternal and most of triple-A games for a while now. it’s just seems like my 6800xt investment is kind of overkill now…

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