47th president of the United States

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Why does he look like that?

He should forever be referred to as the 1st convicted felon and twice impeached president.

This is one of Vic Berger’s pics. Hilarious

He looks like the aunt that had too much wine at family dinner

I think nature may take its course with him soon.


His neckgina is fully engorged. He must be excited about something.

Jabba the hut

Looks like one of those stretchy wrestling dolls from the 90s.

James May visiting the wax museum in Poland I believe it the video title that this made me think of. The waxworks were so bad they were pissing themselves laughing. When they got to Trump the first joke they made was “He is pushing out a whopper.” Followed by ” He is definitely shifting a big sturdy breakfast.” It’s on the r/contagiouslaughter subreddit every so often. Look it up. You won’t be sorry.


His, “I just shit my depends” face

Fucking Biff Tanner timeline

“bUt BiDeN wAs sO oLd”


Hello America, I’m gonna be the money president…

Ugly inside and Out. Evil maybe better word.

Upvoting and hanging out for the 20 mins or so it takes before this gets the boot. This is epic.

Edit: Nearly an hour now. I’m impressed.

what condition could have givn him that horribly pebbled skin? hypercholesterimia? the orange spackle does not camoflage.it at all

Let’s hope it’s the face of a bloated shitstain about to stroke out or have a masssve, and painful, coronary.

Swear dude is two weeks from a massive coronary/stroke

What Melania see’s when she’s on the edge of the bed and he’s standing

The worst O face

Man looks like what you skim off the corned beef and cabbage.

This is what the empty trump suit looks like in the morning before they boot it up again.

I wish Chris Farley was still alive so he could do Trump impressions.

I’ll have to settle for waiting for Trump to have one too many hamberders and do a Chris Farley impression.

Fat guy in a little coat

Hmm my kid used to do that face when he was in diapers before it started to smell.

Sorry orange dildo

Ugly inside and out.

Sociopath, Malignant Narcissist, Frontotemperal Dementia….he has it all.

His face looks like a Halloween mask.

Jabba the Gut

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