Is this true?

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Yes , it’s a bit harder with cars though.

The GT staff in my town face all products made in the US backwards.

There fucking on a new level of pettiness and I’m all for it. Also last when I was in there so much of those products had full shelf’s displayed backwards and at 60% off. People in my local area are not fucking around with the boycotts.

They even went as far as to put a notice on the entrance stating why and what it means for the product on the shelf to be backwards. This store is not playing games.

I gotta take a photo of this sign and shelves next time I’m in there y’all will get a kick out of it.

Yes, it’s true. We Canadians are that angry and focused on not buying American. We don’t hate the American people but we are extremely insulted because we thought we were family and had each other’s backs.

It is now.

Upside down or backwards ya.

I leave them flipped so the US address/label/whatever is facing the next person who come looking.

I’m an American who’s family has a cottage in Quebec. As someone who identifies as partially Canadian, I’m pulling for you. My whole extended family is. I currently have more civic pride for the True North than I do the dumpster fire I live in. Keep Fighting more of us are on your side than you’d imagine.

Ha! I didn’t know it was a thing but I’ve been doing that! Started with lettuce and cauliflower, now it’s anything I check that ends up being USA I turn around or flip to make it look out of place.

Yes, but another way to tell is that everything American is fully stocked despite being on sale.

I’m going to do it now. Great idea

As of this post, it is now the new way to do things.

Efficiency. Got to love it.

So is this passively aggressive or actively aggressive…either way I love it! 🍁🇨🇦

Good idea ! I will begin doing that too 🇨🇦

Yes, I’ve been doing this.

We could print up a bunch of tiny adhesive Russian flags and stick them next to “Made in USA” on the labels.

Canadians giving another solid example of what it means to be UNITED. Something us Americans have long forgotten.

News to me, but now I’ll be doing it.

Haven’t heard of this but now I’ll know what to watch for! An LCBO in Gretzky’s home town mark his wines with an upside down label. Love it!

Yes and no.

No, if the label below clearly indicates it’s not Canadian.

Yes, if the label indicates the product is supposedly Canadian, but that’s not the case. And only that product.


TIL why half the craft beers I was scoping were backward😂

It worked though I got super tired of turning them to see if it was a porter/stout and check the alcohol content!

Ohh…this is so good. I often forget my reading glasses.

Fuck, it is now!

I was explaining to my daughter in the grocery store that we aren’t buying the “Made is USA” carrots, the dude stocking the produce gave me a nod and said “Elbows Up”

How can this American come help you flip the cans over and stay?

I can get behind this

From the same great minds that brought you the word toonie.

Good idea. Going to start doing it too.

As an American, I support this message!

Is now

Ooo i will be doing the upside down thing

American here, anytime I see a product that has product of Canada on it, i put it on my shopping list.

This is the first I’m hearing about this, but hell yes. I keep buying American stuff, getting three aisles over and having to walk the three aisles back to return it once I read the label. It’s terribly inconvenient.

Holy shit yes!

My wife and I thought we were going crazy seeing it when we were shopping for groceries this weekend, now we know, and I’ll be doing my part too

American here. Was in Revelstoke BC a few weeks ago. I asked the bartender for a Bourbon and she told me that all American whiskeys were locked up. I could order a Canadian Rye. Total respect, Kentucky and Tennessee are red states. You reap what you sow

I am an American and I approve this message. 🇨🇦

I live in the Heartland of America and I’m rooting for you, Canada! Just… send care packages of maple syrup once in a while?

Smart, doing it.

Yes, I’m going this

Aussie here, salute Cousin!

You F’n Canucks are awesome. Keep up the good fight!!

I heard of it early on, before stores had a chance to start marking things – OR if someone found deceptive practices re country of origin.

Across country protest in the indirect way. Good job

Do the same thing for Israel products!!

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