X-ray image showing the pregnancy of a dog

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Holy crap. How many puppies are in there?

Bro looking like the Paris catacombs.


Looks uncomfortable af in there

She’s got that dog in her.

Don’t worry I’ll leave. Seriously, put that big hook away.

I count 11, but there is some overlap, so 10-12?


Pregnancy is proof that if god exists, he doesn’t love us.

This is weirdly disturbing.

Well I fucking hate that. 

First I was afraid that it’s parasites but then I understoooood

Crammed in like sardines in there I’ll tell ya what

Skelepuppers! 💀

You know why pregnant females are not allowed to make x-rays?

We used to do this regularly to humans as well, until we realized we were giving the babies blood cancer

They exposed all those babies with xray radiation?

Oooooooh uncomfortable!!!

That looks exhausting, mama

How many tiny heads did you guys count?!

Must be a SPRINGer spaniel

She got those dogs in her

One in the leg ewww

This is actually so weird

what the hell.

That is so fucking scary

Oh that’s weird! 🤭

Does anyone know if all the puppies share an amniotic sac or have their own?

Edit: Ditto placenta.


That’s not horrifying at all

H.R. Giger likes it.
That’t the type of pics he probably would not hesitate to frame on his office walls.

I’m so full of spines right now

My fault gang

I’m never getting pregnant after seeing this.


You know that scene from the Matrix where Neo is in the back of the car, and he’s getting scans for some tracer bot or other? Well, that.


You’d think they’d be organized in some way or lined up or something. Nope.

Damn, that’s not organized :/

What a son of a bitch.

I thought this was an x ray of the LA tar pits lmao

Damn, looks like someone littered

Yo dog, I heard you liked dogs…

To who another dog 🤣😭

Ohh I just assumed someone was eating children my bad

I don’t understand why Xray would be done for a pregnant dog despite knowing how harmful those radiations are.

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