When you are the cause of your own misery

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Stupid people will ruin the country

People loooooove making themselves suffer. Almost like it’s a classic from Greek tragedies.

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“Why would they do this to me?”

Womp womp. Republicans always voting against their best interest because it’s hurting the “other” race. 

What’s even crazier is that some will even blame Biden/Obama for it.

I’m from Nebraska and my parents own a farm and voted for Trump. Don’t care if I lose my inheritance these people deserve it.

And for the millionth time we don’t have universal healthcare cause white people didn’t want bipoc to get it. They are willing to suffer as long as others do too.

It’s deserved. They need to feel the pain.

For some reason, I feel nothing but schadenfreude. They can cry themselves a river.

Idk 🤷🏾‍♀️ I guess sometimes you have to burn to learn or just let hate keep you stupid 🤷🏾‍♀️


Fuck em

Sad thing is they will still find a way to blame it on Biden, Kamala, Obama, soras, Newsome, pelosi etc

And then these mfs go through mental gymnastics to still defend Trump

They keep asking “does anyone care about Nebraska?” And yes, yes I did which is why I voted for Kamala.

“Congratulations you played yourself” just isn’t adequate enough to cover that sentiment

I live in Nebraska and the amount of cognitive dissonance the average rural Nebraskan has is sad. They run on hate and fear.

Well he did lower the amount of money I spend on eggs. Since the stores don’t have any, I now spend $0 on eggs.


I remember reading about this Trump supporter who was scammed out of his life savings by Trump University. He acknowledges that it was a scam yet he then voted for Trump in the last 3 elections.

Let em fail.

That’s karma, and karma’s a bitch.

They hate non-white people so much they’d rather ruin their own lives than see them have anything. Thats crazy.


Love to see it happen!

Same farmers attacked Biden when he tried to help black farmers. Racism equal low iq

Ha ha.



No, that’s funny. FAFO.

Then you’ll sell the land for pennies on the dollar to a Chinese investor. America first?

Inbred hillbillies are dumb, mkay.

I’m in MAGAt country and people are starting to realize what they’ve done

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And that’s got nothing to do with me, minding my black ass business for the foreseeable future


I said this in another thread. Elections in this country are about emotions. Not logic.

[Look at them suffer!](https://youtu.be/mEpj_AHV6GI)

This is me when I would roll dice in the back of the class.

It’s pretty funny though

Hatred and fear of the other will have you legislating away your own freedoms just because you *think* the others will be affected more. Little do you know you’re locking yourself in with the same people you feared, leaving you no choice but to interact with them or be lonely.

Them: I know I got my farm saved by this guy, but I hate the Democrats, so I’m gonna vote for this dude because I like his speeches!


And they’ll still blame Biden and democrats. And continue to vote republican. GOP propaganda at its finest.

“But her emails.” Or whatever the fuck their reasoning is today.

…and they would do it again

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