Can’t use bathroom without Chromebook. I’m in high school.

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Did anyone explain this further because damn

Can anyone explain what the hell I’m reading?

All I’m trying to say it’ll probably only take one unsung hero with a piss jug to abolish the rule.

They tried some similar crap in my HS.

You have two choices:

1. Just get up and go use the bathroom. They won’t physically stop you, and you’re not likely to get in trouble for it either. Took one threat of “Do you want me to call FOX5 and tell them the district isn’t letting students use the bathroom anymore? I will use your name specifically.”

2. Piss in the trashcan.

I informed my son in kindergarten and every year following that if he needed to use the restroom and was told NO, just walk out and go. I would go to bat for him and deal with the fallout. No child should be insecure about that. It’s cruel. In My adult life, the only place that could potentially tell me no is prison. And I’m not ever gonna bd there.

My school tried to restrict bathroom breaks to only recess and lunch until a group of guys started pissing into bottles in the corner when they got told no and one mad lad intentionally pissed himself at his seat when he told the teacher he couldn’t hold it and they still said no, they lifted restrictions very soon after his parents got involved and threatened a lawsuit

Because you will…. what? Do you need to log in to the toilet? Oh. My. God. Is there a QR code on the toilet‽ IS THERE A QR CODE ON THE TOILET‽‽

My HS treated us with a lot of respect, on the philosophy that we would turn into respectful young adults. If we wanted to use the bathroom, we just quietly stood up, left, and went to use it. At the end of the class, there was no bell like were some kind of cattle; somebody would look at the time and say “oh it’s time for our next class” and we would pack up and go to the next class. I truly believe that children come out how they are treated. I’m so happy I went to the HS that I did, and I can contribute it to my success as an adult. I can’t imagine being treated like a prisoner.

Schools turn a blind eye when someone’s bullied to the point of suicide but don’t you dare even think about going to the bathroom without a working Chromebook.

I told my kid if a teacher says you cannot use the bathroom just go and say “fuck you call my dad.” He was in 6th grade and came home in different pants because he kept asking to go and his teachers would say no eventually he pissed himself. I told the school that if it ever happened again we would be in court.

Having read the context (district tracking), this means that your school has to have a stupidly high rate of students wandering the halls or otherwise not being in class when they should be. This probably isn’t a teacher choice. This is a school requirement. I personally find it hysterical as a substitute as is have no way to check those requests. A sign in and sign out sheet should be enough if you’ve got hall monitors and they do their due diligence.

What? So they want you to take the chromebook to the bathroom? Or its a “cant work cant piss” situation

So this is illegal, actually

They cannot bar you from using the bathroom. They HAVE to let you go if you need to

Is that even legal?

Sooo much hostility towards schools. They can’t win. I’m a retired middle school teacher. Every day, children would absolute trash the bathroom. I’m talking pissing on everything, shitting on everything, breaking fixtures, stuffing all the paper towels in the toilets to fuck up the plumbing. It was costing the district incredible amounts of money. Our custodian would go home in tears some days.

But if the school tries to do ANYTHING, the parents (the ones who raise their kids to act this way and tell their kid to tell their teachers to fuck off if they can’t go to the bathroom) would bitch loudly like most of you are doing here and threaten lawsuits.

What are the schools supposed to do? The problem isn’t the schools. It’s the parents sending these little assholes to the school with zero sense of civic responsibility.

piss on the chromebook

Yeah it’s infuriating and it sucks.

Teachers have to know where students are at all times and they can be held responsible for if a kid decided to just skip class by going to the bathroom or go off and fight another student. At my school, they had to stop allowing bathroom breaks entirely during lunch and class periods because of the amount of students that were fighting other students – there had been like 3 or 4 fights in a single day including someone throwing a trash can in the lunch room. One of my teachers even explained they had to stop giving bathroom passes because they couldn’t risk getting a write up and losing their job because a student decided to go do anything other than going to the bathroom and come back.

We also lost the ability to eat outside of on the patio due to the number of people that would go eat on the patio, and then not even do as simple task of putting their trash *in the trash can*.

The result is that the kids who would just go to the bathroom and come back have to deal with rules like this because mfers who can’t follow rules fucked it up for everyone.

This is as simple as “you aren’t going to be rewarded with skipping class for free by bricking your laptop intentionally.”

School be getting wilder. I graduated in 2019 and the last year or so had a lot of the bathrooms being just straight up closed because kids kept vaping (also I think they broke a toilet once). The last year I was there 2 kids ODed in the bathroom and had to be taken out by an ambulance. I can see why schools have gotten more restrictive, but this is not the way to do it. I couldn’t tell you how to do it, but requiring the internet to go to the bathroom is not it.

We have a similar system called “Smart” Pass at my school and a good handful of the teachers don’t care to use it, or are too technologically illiterate to use it. You have to select the room you are in and where you are going, then a slider will pop up so you can give yourself the time to get there. For “one-way” passes, the max is 10 min, but for the bathroom (there and back) It only gives you 5 min. If you don’t end the pass it will alert the teacher and someone will come looking for you. It will also not allow you to go to a certain bathroom if there are too many people with active passes there.

It’s a very interesting experience getting to college and realizing that you had the free will to get up whenever the hell you wanted. They legally cannot physically stop you, and there is genuinely nothing they can do other than say no.

We also have this e-hall pass system at my school. If somebody doesn’t have their Chromebook or it isn’t working, my teacher will fill it out for them. Yes, they have the ability to do that. Either this teacher or your whole school staff is just an asshole.


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