Idk why people are getting business advice from someone who declared bankruptcy 4 times

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BuT a WoMaN cAn’T rUn A cOuNtRy! Clowns.

My roommate voted for Trump the first time. He said we need a good businessman in the whitehouse. I asked why.

He said to make the country more money, the “company.”

I asked him how much more money he gets when the ceo at his job does well. Suddenly that analogy was no good.

Haven’t made it close to a day so far.
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Bruh gone blame it on Biden

I know that this is very serious with like real life implications and shit, but damn if it isn’t also hilarious. Honestly, the fact that the people who voted for him are actively finding out how much they’ve fucked around is the only thing that’s keeping me sane. Like yeah, shits gonna suck for me, but damn if it isn’t enjoyable watching them burn too.


Honestly the man is just really dumb. Why does he even wanna be president 🤦🏾‍♂️

Trump isn’t an economist. He’s a bully. His only international strategy is bullying, and when it doesn’t work he has no backup plan.

Can’t wait to see the crypto bros on this one

Six times. Four bankrupt casinos.

People and Trump learned absolutely nothing the first time around. Trump and the Republican led Congress are the reason why certain things went so badly the first time he was in office. It was their lack of action that caused a lot of issues that happened the first time around. Now, they did try to be more action-orientated but made all the wrong moves. They effectively shut down parts of the government that provide aid to other countries or even just not tell the people what is going on health-wise by basically shutting down the CDC’s press website page. We got pulled out of the World Health Organization, which is used by all countries to help stop and control diseases around the world. The Department of Education is on the brink of being shut down. Various parts of the government are being stripped down to skeleton crews. Oh and that is just the National stuff I didn’t even get to the international stuff. Basically is a giant shit show and not much can be changed till at least 2026. So please take the time to vote in the mid terms if you care. If not, and are fine with how it is going then don’t and enjoy.

This dude bankrupted a casino. The place literally designed to rob you and keep your money

I am appalled by the revisionist history that some of my fellow NYers have about this man.

I remember in the 80s and 90s, this man was considered a con-artist and his family were considered slumlord crooks.

The working-class, Irish-Americans that I knew (and my parents knew) despised that man.

I don’t know what-the-hell happened to their descendants.

Sometimes, I wonder if it’s deliberate so the rich can buy stocks for cheap, then ride them up. Idk my portfolio is in shambles, and I’m tired

He’s in way over his head when it comes to the Canadian tariff war. Mark Carney was just elected and he is the antithesis of Trump with the record to prove it.

This orange sack of shit is fucking up my money. 😭

Americans are so cucked. Just worshipping business and enterprise like it’s inherently an ideal to strive for.

The main purpose of a business is to make money. Not to provide value, or equity, or any of the things you need to have a functioning society. Businesses treat people like cattle and if you don’t perform you get cut. Sometimes you get cut even if you *do* perform but the business realizes it can make one more penny by getting rid of you.

Highly encourage everyone to [watch this to see how brain broken a third of this country is.](

And in return Mexico promises their president won’t say insulting things in Spanish under her breath when meeting trump. 

She promises all the Spanish phrases she says under her breath are all compliments.

I hope that all this energy translates into the polling results next year.

The same reason people take business advice from someone who declared bankruptcy 4 times is the same reason people take marriage advice from someone who can’t keep a spouse/ has been divorced. They sounded like they knew what they were talking about until the advice fucks you over

Including a damn casino

While fascism in America won’t die with him. At least he’ll be dead.

Folded like cheap lawn furniture.



B-but that means congress will repeal the 4 trillion dollars tax cuts to billionaires now that they can’t stuff everyone else full of VAT taxes to make up for the deficit, right? RIGHT??

He keeps failing!

This is like bad math that gets the right answer. Trump is not a good businessman. This does not disqualify the gov’t being run as a business. The gov’t should not be run as a business for many more reasons than, ‘Trump is a bad businessman.’

Yes but we’ll collect billions in tariffs and bring jobs back to America. Yes that’s right – somehow both.

If I had a time machine I would want to watch Donny coach the 2017 Warriors to a first round exit.

Wasn’t it 6 times?

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