Even Musk lost $100B, the fight against greed is not over

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They convinced half of America that it’s the park ranger making $45,000 a year causing inflation and blowing up the deficit. By taxing working class people an extra $10,000 a year they can pay back trillions lol

If we just taxed the rich and churches we’d be fine. Instead the US is insuring China will be the new global economic super power soon.

The majority of people couldn’t suffer losing $1000-5000. This guy can lose $100 billion and still have the poorest in society grovelling at his feet. This timeline is so incredibly insane.

I think it’s not a bad idea to just set a wealth cap at 999,999,999. Too much for most people, really. We can then direct the excess into cash transfers for the poorest. 

Theyre probably crashing the stock market on purpose to buy at low

& he still doesn’t care and is not feeling any pain

It needs to be more than tax. There needs to be a punishment where if you persistently do harm and damage to the democracy, then you may lose the right to private property / wealth above what the average person has.

Fucking cut the billionaires that try to decide what the news can be.

He lost 100,000 Millionaires?!!!!?! THATS INSANE AMOUNT OF MONEY

If democrats wanted to tax the wealthy I would vote. See how easy it is to win Harris?

Taxing billionaires under capitalism is not nearly as good as removing the conditions that create the billionaires. If we ended capitalism we wouldn’t need to tax billionaires

Still waiting for the trickles

Remove the T and add an E

And he’s still fighting to get that $55 billion payout that his friends and family on the board approved but courts threw out

He’s lost 100B so far…

The one issue I have with this is the only way to tax the wealth that is held in this way (i.e ownership of a company) would be to force that person to sell their company. That tells people that they should only get SO successful, or else they will have their success removed from them.

Yup, every thing above a billion and one dollar should be taxed at 100%. Quick reminder, a billion is one thousand million dollars, or ten million 100$ bills or 50 million 20$…a stack of twenties that would measure up to about 18,000 feet!

i think if we had more assassins up in this b, we would feel better day to day

I couldn’t care less about how much Elon makes. I just want everyone else to make enough money to not be scraping by, or worse.

People prefer living in the abstract.   Facts feel bad.  Everyone, feudalism and oligarchies are real your freedom is an abstraction.

The main issue I have with this they point out the “income disparity” worse than the great depression. IT WAS THE SAME UNDER BIDEN. It’s been getting worse for 20 years. Democratic presidents haven’t don’t ANYTHING about it. Same as Republican. People in Congress and the Senate are getting more and more wealthy. It’s THEIR FAULT. And it’s YOUR fault for voting for them.

He never had that much money, it was just stock prices. He only has it if it’s sold.

he didnt lose anything, the price of a stock went up and then it went down.

Musk borrows against his net worth to pay for his day to day life and existence.

That net worth plummeting absolutely hurts him and will cause serious problems for him.

No one should be that vulgarly rich. A big chunk of that is tax payer money too

who are “we” tho? They run the world pretty much. The system is designed for them by them. At this point it is unlikely to happen with petitions and voting and shit.

But wouldn’t he deserve a refund on the taxes he paid on that lost wealth?

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