Liberal trolls segment seen on Fox News. Poor wittle JD

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I get the sense that the producers of this segment know they have to do a ‘liberal trolls are bad’ angle but really they just want to get them on screen because it’s funny.

They just wanted an excuse to put those on TV

Did they even say thank you to the meme creators???

but i thought ***Elon brought Humour back*** ? ? ?

It’s not just liberals doing this, I have conservatives on my FB feed that shares these memes too. Making fun of Vance is a bipartisan effort

Those nasty mean widdle liberal trolls!

I’m very happy that they’re helping spread these! These need to be shared to the world and the Fox crowd shouldn’t be spared!

Given how politically weaponized memes are these days this stupid shit might move the needle as much as anything else

But pictures of Biden on peoples cars tied up is ok.. lmao. I swear these idiots are the most fragile sensitive people I’ve ever met in the world… These MAGATs are the most insecure people I’ve ever seen in my life.

The one on the far left is, by far, the dumbest looking one

Doesn’t that make Fox News a liberal troll as well?

But…but…the left can’t meme…

I look at the second from the left at the bottom and my brain plays Danny Devito saying “Egg”


Faux News is so hilarious.

Little Fox snowflakes…

Now who is making comedy illegal

I almost thought she was one of the meme pics. She fits in nicely next to minion Vance

🤣 they left out the dresses 👗!

But why isn’t he wearing a suit in all of the memes?

I mean… that’s fucking funny.

Was Fox News voting on their favorites

Comedy is legal now, right???

Is that the Fox host or just the favorite JD troll meme on the left?

The far left filter of JD as a woman is the most savage

Umm, we are the ones making them, not the liberals. It’s the most fun political meme in a long time.

Just that they have memes as a news piece should let you know what’s up.

That one on the bottom row, in the middle, looks like the typical maga art of Trump. 

Thank you for sharing FOX!

Wow, they’re really showing em on Fox News huh. I assume they are not big fans

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