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Become the ecological disaster you want to see in The world

She took “There’s plenty of fish” quite literally.


Why you gotta do the fish like that?

women will literally resort to ecoterrorism before they go to therapy

Mom: “Don’t worry about her anymore, son, there’s plenty of fish in the sea”

poor fishes just wanted to take a bath and eat some small aquatic lifeforms. They wouldn’t have treated u badly lady

Overfishing is harmful for the environment and safeguarded with laws usually for that reason. So that’s shitty.

Hey y’all…in fishing parlance, “ruining” or overfishing a spot usually does not mean some type of extinction event. We say this when a spot gets fished so much that the fish have learned from the heavier fishing pressure and no longer are as easy to catch.

It’s okay to laugh…the bass will be fine.

A woman makes one joke, and the reddit incels in these comments lose their fucking minds.



This is fake.

Lake’s fished out

Lmao as a fisherman this is a musky in a lake of northern.

Thats very believable ,yes.

Quite the catch

I would be kind of proud to mess someone up this much 😂

Bro!!! She coulda just exposed him fr… 

Guy: “guess I’ll just go to my other spot. No biggie.”

This will definitely affect the trout population

Cheeky bugger

but why… she broke up with him… people would think she moved on.

Fuck yeah lady!!!!!!!

Huh? Expose him? Forrr?

LMAO goodness. I have never been petty like this but what an idea lol

Expose him? What did he do that he would be afraid would be exposed?

Are you Norwegian

This act cannot be forgiven you monster…


Teach a woman how to fish…she will find a way to use it against you 😁

Women in male lakes, rather

She’s a girl bass

ecoterrorism is quirky now, good job tumbrl

One of the stupidest things to do ever… but do go on, suit yourself

yeaaa, Id just sleep with his dad and call it quits.

Aint no level of petiness every gonna compell me to fish until the spot is overfished

I yet to see the #womaninmalefield used in non-harmful or non-hateful way

Why? Don’t harm the environment for petty revenge. As a woman I can tell you the best revenge is just to move on, totally ignore him, and be completely confident and happy.

Yeah, not me_irl, horribly shortsighted and petty to far more than just her dipshit bf.

Why doesn’t she just introduce an invasive species to do the job for her?

Hope there’s a game Warden for that area and fines her for overfishing.

Terrible idea for a viral post on TikTok. I wouldn’t be surprised if others follow it cause it’s so “funny.”

It wasn’t he that ended the relationship, it was her. So, why does she get to do the revenge thing?

Poor fish. She disrupted a stable ecosystem just to be petty.

Smart. That will bother the guy even more.

The catch: she’s not even into fishing, will never be. Did this just because “I’m so over him”. In a few years, when finally realizes what she did, how much of a jerk she was, and that he doesn’t even think on coming back, perhaps won’t feel so proud

Every time I see the hashtag #womeninmalefields or #meninfemalefields on Instagram, I just block the page/person. Join in. Against gender wars and more hate.

There’s a special place in hell for people who do this

Cruelty and spite that nature pays for.


90% sure that’s illegal.

If this is you irl… you have a mental problem

You don’t get to be the dumper AND take revenge, dumping him was the revenge

So instead of moving on, she would overfish to extinct an entire specie to get back at her ex. Petty at it finest.

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