The only economic theory that consistently fails: Trickle Down Economics.

By zzill6
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It’s wildly successful at putting more money in the pockets of the oligarchs while placating their marks.

The problem is that it’s a small trickle and it needs to be a big trickle to succeed. They’ll get it right this time, I’m sure of it.

Trickle down isnโ€™t failing. Itโ€™s doing exactly what itโ€™s supposed toโ€ฆ.make the rich richer.

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“Failed” is all about perspective. The rich got richer, the politicians got richer, the GDP went up, and corporations got richer.

But the working class suffered.

The thing is, trickle down economics is working, just not in the way the rich say it works. Itโ€™s a lie that concentrating wealth in the highest earners will eventually make its way down to the middle/lower classes. The point is just the first part, concentrating the wealth in the highest earners. The second part was always just wishful thinking or deliberate deception to get buy in of the working class.

It’s funny because when the USA had socialism we had the fucking golden economic age of the 50s. Like holy fuck. The time they imagine as the perfect cookie cutter house american dream was literally socialist.

Reminder that the ‘Reagan” tax cuts were passed by Tip O’Neil’s Democrat congress.

“Trickle Down” is and always has been bipartisan policy.

Trickle down economics is working as intended. Itโ€™s just called โ€œtrickle down economicsโ€ to get low iq conservatives to go along with it. And thatโ€™s how it works so well.

> Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results.

capitalism works as intended

There’s also a bit of semantics to decompress here. While actual Socialism may have failed repeatedly, many of the things they inaccurately decree as Socialist are overwhelmingly successful in many European nations.

When free markets fail: the poor get richer and the rich get way richer.ย 

When socialism fails: mass starvation

Holodomor (3.5M), Great Leap Forward (15-55M), stalinโ€™s politics purge (700k), etc etc. get real.

Well Republicans are stupid as fuck so they don’t understand economics.

If someone told them that trickle down economics works, then they’re going to believe it without even bothering to check. Even now many Republicans believe that Putin is our friend because they were told to have that belief

If they could get away with less than a trickle they would.

Remember, kids, you can’t have trickle-down economics without a “trick”! ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ’ซ

A look at trickle down economics or as its proponents like to call it supply side economics, how it is supposed to work and its effectiveness.

Trickle down economics is designed to prevent the redistribution of wealth. Herbert Hoover did it in the Great Depression with the lie that it would help the unemployed find work, when it clearly did not. So it does work, just not for working people. And Capitalism is working, it is as cruel and horrific as Marx documented in the 1800s.

It works as intended. It’s just that the down part is a lie.

Trickle down economics is not even a formally established theory

Capitalism fails every 10 years now

Trickle down economics is like pouring water on your roof to water your lawn.

> In 1930, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, in an effort to alleviate the effects of the… anyone? anyone? the Great Depression, passed the… anyone? anyone? the tariff bill, the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act which… anyone? raised or lowered? Raised tariffs in an effort to collect more revenue for the federal government.

> Did it work? Anyone? anyone know the effects? It did not work, and the United States sank deeper into the Great Depression.

> Today, we have a similar debate over this.

> Anyone know what this is? Class? Anyone? Anyone seen this before? The Laffer Curve. Anyone know what this says? It says, that at this point on the revenue curve, you will get exactly the same amount of revenue as at this point. This is very controversial.

> Does anyone know what Vice President Bush called this in 1980? Anyone? Something D-O-O economics.

> Voodoo economics.

Impeach/ recall all Republican/GOP reps (if you can). Remind them who they work for! Protest them daily and hourly at their offices. Make life as difficult and uncomfortable for them as possible. Schedule town meetings and demand they attend, if they don’t, move ahead with a recall process.

New Chant: “PAY US BACK!”

Everyone needs to demand that any company receiving subsidies pay back any and all subsidies before shareholders or leadership bonuses.

**We need to resist in ways both large and small.**ย Any of you who come into contact with any of these people in the course of your day, do your best to make it uncomfortable for them. Of course, save your most petty ideas for those higher up the chain. I’m sure you can think of something.ย **We need to remind everyone associated with this mess that they live in society with the rest of us**.

My favorite part is the mislabeling of communism. Socialism hasn’t failed when it’s been integrated with democracy. It’s only ever failed when it was actually communism that was labeled as socialism.

Weโ€™re just the serfs to CEOs. If our country wants change we have to overthrow the monarchs trying to control us!

The only things that are ‘trickling down’ on us all is **#1 and #2**, and they expect us to say ‘thank you’ for it.

Our oligarchs rule us with division and distraction

Governments with socialist policies tend to have one nasty flaw where they keeps getting couped and destabilized by the CIA to show that “socialism has failed repeatedly”.

And the study which justified trickle-down was incorrect because of a single, apparently deliberately changed cell in a spreadsheet, and that mistake was repeated in the press for twenty years.

Which means that all those tax cuts were legally a taking from you, the American people. and without just compensation the rule of law in America is a sham.

Which means there’s nothing stopping you from stomping this whole rotten box into the shitter and starting over.

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I am so confused about this. Don’t the americans see the quality of life in Europe? Or they get their news only from Russia?

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