I feel this

By crno123
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The Tales of RPGs. We are 59 final bosses and 105 final dungeons in and it is still going. 😭

I prefer the: “Is there a rest-stop between now and the fucking point?”

I felt this with Assassins Creed Valhalla

As I’ve gotten older I look for games that the reviews are “great game but too short”. I can’t remember the last AAA game I’ve played all the way through

I’m almost positive I’m within the last hour or two of Ghost of Tsushima, and I just cannot be bothered to finish. I feel no ill will towards the game. I don’t even have a problem saying it’s great! It’s a damn work of art. It just went on a bit too long without much variation, in between. Idk if I’ll ever complete it. I’m glad it exists. 

I literally gave up God of War 5min before the end. I saved and took a break, didn’t came back til almost 2yrs later only to load, walk a bit and then the generic scroll. lol

Death Stranding.

Felt like this when finishing Dragon Age Inquisitions.

*Just wrap it up already.*

With witcher 3, I put the game down for like 18 months, only to pick it back up and finish it in an hour. I was literally on the final mission and did not know.

Me with Red Dead Redemption 2. It’s the only game I’ve played where the epilogue took multiple days.

Ragnarok. Lmao

Had to take a break for awhile. And I still have the DLC and all of the side stuff to finish.

I’m digging kcd2, about 60 hours in and starting to run out of steam.

Persona games. The first 3/4 are amazing and then the last 1/4 is a slog

Me with Baldurs Gate 3

This was FF7 Rebirth for me. The game extremely tedious and drawn out. I tried to do everything until the Gongaga mushroom bullshit broke me at the 50 hour mark and it still took me 20 hours to get through the rest of the game doing almost exclusively story missions.

Alien Isolation too, absolute gem of a game. I love it to bits. But goddamn do those final couple hours feel like it’s overstayed it’s welcome a bit.

I have quit so many games within reach of the end. I think the problem with so much side content is that I lose any interest in or attachment to the main story when I haven’t interacted with it in so many hours.

I usually try to squeeze every last drop out of the games I play, but I just skipped like all of the endgame sidequests in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth because damn.

I quite often experience this since most “long” games gets quite repetitive in no time but with witcher 3 God every second of it was awesome the first time I played.

Witcher 3 has a lot of unique side stories that keeps you accupied without getting boring imo that’s the secret for making long playtime games that doesn’t bore the player.

Me when I spend hundreds of hours doing every single bit of side content, so by the time I get back to the main story I’m thoroughly bored of the game

Metaphor overstayed its welcome towards the end.

yes, this exact game, The Witcher. The save still exist because I keep telling myself ill get back in beating it.

Thats why games should have post-game. Thank you, Bethesda, STALKER:COP, and at least Far Cry 3. 07

Metaphor ReFantazio

Just finished Y7 yesterday and as much as I generally like the Yakuza games, they sure drag on and on and on, especially if you do some of the side content too. Still fun and don’t regret playing any of them, but yeah.

I hate dragging intros worse than dragging endings. Good chance I’ll drop a game early if it takes too long. Every game releases on a regular weekday so it’s very annoying to be excited to try a new game after work and it’s like 4 hours of tutorials and dialogue and it feels like you haven’t done anything at all. It’s what I like about the way Souls games do it. A one minute cinematic telling you how the world got ruined and that’s it, you’re just in the game now.

Ironically, this was Witcher 3 for me.

I did most of the side quests for the first half of the game. By the end, you might think I was a speedrunner looking for shortcuts.

Outer Wilds

You guys don’t try kingdom come deliverance 2

Final fantasy 7 rebirth

FFVII Rebirth kinda long for me, or I am just trying to maximize all the side quests…

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