My HOA removed our only playground and replaced it with this “fitness area” for people 13+ only

By bdd1001
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That’s on par with ours cutting the basketball courts in half to add pickleball courts that require a fee to enter.

Ironically 13+ is around the age most kids stop going on jungle gyms

That sounds like HOA, doing what they do best! Fixing what isn’t broken.

The fitness areas always seem like such a good idea, but I never see anyone using the ones in public.

Playgrounds on the other hand, kids love ‘em! Sorry for your HOA.

I think there’s a place for something like this, but it should be in addition to the younger kids playground, not replacing it, and it should be open to kids as young as 9 or 10 so there isn’t a gap, and ideally not unreasonably hazardous to younger kids.

ETA: Also, the whole idea of a defined play space for teenagers is pretty funny. Teens I know love to play on playground equipment when they get the chance, but only because it’s forbidden and/or ironic. Giving them a dedicated space kills the allure.

Edit 2: I guess maybe the CrossFit adult use case makes a little more sense than teens, but that’s still a very small target demographic. Pretty silly.

That is the single dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. Like that’s gonna deter kids anyway, what’re they gonna do check IDs now? -_- and, WHY???

What the hell is it

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Well that’s going to go unused.

Try going to your HOA meetings and voting against shit like this.

I wonder whether the insurance costs associated with maintaining a playground were a factor in the HOA’s decision. Do they have a website or newsletter? Could be there’s a rationale in there somewhere.

The more uptight and persnickety old people are, the more they HATE CHILDREN! 

You know what’s really funny? Most playground equipment was actually created to be workout equipment.

Example: monkey bars. originally created because they felt like children weren’t getting enough outdoor exercise

As annoying as this would be, I suspect increasing insurance costs were the reasoning for removing the playground. If it was, they really should have turned it into greenspace instead of an adult fitness area.

Maybe there are a lot more older people that people with kids, that would make this reasonable.

How are they going to enforce the 13+ only rule 

Cool place to smoke weed.

As someone in Europe who isn’t in a HOA. What is the appeal of being in a HOA? Every post I see that has something to do with a HOA always seems bad.

I do calisthenics and I have no idea what in the hell that is lol

It’s nice to have a 13+ fitness as well, but of course you need a normal playground!

Do HOA’s have any saying in that? Over here it’s the city/municipality that makes and maintains the playground, not the HOA’s, unless it’s one of those alternative projects where a bunch of people set up their own privately owned neighborhood. But in those cases the people will decide democratically.

Your HOA wants the kids swole.

I’m in NYC- and I know that when you own a co-op they have meetings about what to do with common funds and such- some have playgrounds, some are more basic so I understand that. But what is the point of a HOA? Why would someone want rules on your own home? Are these places that don’t have public parks/parks departments? I’m sorry, I’m a 5th generation New Yorker and my parents own a house but never been a part of an HOA

“WhY dOnT kIdS gO oUtSiDe AnYmOrE????”

Meanwhile what people like them are doing:

So it’s an adult playground. Why not have both? One for the kids and one side for the adults?

what’s up with this? I’ve seen a lot of newer communities doing a ton of out door gyms instead of playgrounds.

“ThEsE kIdS aRe HoOkEd On ThEiR pHoNeS.”

I mean this seems cool too, but why not have both?

Keep getting rid of spaces where kids can hangout then wonder why kids are online all day.

Time to start being more involved with the HOA.

So join your HOA board… Be the change you want to see.

This is why you should go to your HOA meetings. Y’all let this happen to yourselves.

Bad HOA: a bunch of old grouchy people trying to ruin your life because they’re bored

Nothing like a bad HOA. Holy hell.

I mean, are there not a lot of kids in the neighborhood, making this more practical?

Adults outnumber children under 10. So maybe it’s what the majority of residents wanted for their neighborhood?

That sounds like the HOA president’s youngest just turned 13.

Fuck HOAs

They hate children

It is absolutely beyond me why so many ppl put up with HOAs.

Your fault for buying into a HOA

Everyone knows the stories

Paint the 1 blue

I saw you just moved there, so maybe it won’t last? There has to be other people who are peeved about this.

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