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I’m 26 and I still do it.

Oh I feel her horror.

That is something Relatable AF.

is it normal to not want to wake up?

Worst is when it’s just before your alarm is due to go off

I’ve never seen a 2 year old to speak like that… Am I surrounded by idiots?

Every. Single. Day…

I’ve never felt more seen. I’m 53.

I was driving my son to daycare Monday and he asked what day it was. I told him and he’s like “oh man I don’t want to go to daycare today”.
Yeah buddy. I’m sorry but buckle up it does not end.

Me too buddy me too.

Then I get my coffee, have maybe a little breakfast if I’m hungry and look out the morning window and realize.. maybe its not all *that* bad

Worst part of the day

I don’t remember the last time my first thought of the day wasn’t “Ah, fuck.”

What if this is the dream?

“Why can’t we sleep forever?” -tool lyric

If I may? This about sums shit up for most of us decades after it was written.


Can’t relate

The pain is real

One day me nephew kept saying he had a nightmare after just learning the word eventually I got curious cause what is a 4 year olds nightmare
The nightmare was that he woke up lol

I don’t believe her for a second. I don’t think two year Olds are mentally developed enough for speech of that caliber. Correct me of I’m wrong.

Mine is 3 and she yells because her turtle night light shut off.

Every morning I wake up, give a heavy sigh and say, “Better luck tomorrow.”


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