Just trying to help bro Last updated: March 12, 2025 3:48 pm By _Bussey_ Share Memes 8 Comments Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label {} [+] Name* Email* Label {} [+] Name* Email* 8 Comments Oldest Newest Most Voted Inline Feedbacks View all comments Unable-Difference-55 10 hours ago Or your boss when you point out they’ve been doing it the wrong way for so many years. wackywizard54 10 hours ago I had this happen before in high school because our teacher barely knew how to use a computer Choice-Hawk-9501 10 hours ago Well have you ever thanked her for beeing your teacher? Delano7 9 hours ago Me correcting the english teacher for the 7th time back when I was 16 because her english level was awful GuyFromLI747 9 hours ago Take your political bullshit elsewhere Candid_Currency_6838 10 hours ago TDS is real Rip_God0 10 hours ago Why does MicDonald lover 256 have long hair? [deleted] 10 hours ago [deleted] SearchSearchRecent PostsThe Milky Way over the Grand Canyon and Colorado River [OC] [1600×1200] Forest in Darende in Malatya [OC] [4000×2252] He who must not be named Lone Pine Peak, Eastern Sierra, California [3000×2249] [OC] Morning Blue Hour on Whitney Portal Rd. Lone Pine, California [3000×2186] [OC] Recent Comments
Or your boss when you point out they’ve been doing it the wrong way for so many years.
I had this happen before in high school because our teacher barely knew how to use a computer
Well have you ever thanked her for beeing your teacher?
Me correcting the english teacher for the 7th time back when I was 16 because her english level was awful
Take your political bullshit elsewhere
TDS is real
Why does MicDonald lover 256 have long hair?