In order to crack down on muggers and sex offenders, an NYPD officer went undercover dressed as a tall woman. New York, Brooklyn, 1 July 1969.

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“How do you do, fellow women ?”

The two ladies walking past are funny 😂

Don’t think he’s fooling anybody 

“undercover” to who??

Is that Roger Waters?

Dude was just waiting for an excuse to put a dress on. Different times

Surely nobody will notice or give obvious looks

“How do you do fellow ladies?”

“Guys this is a very necessary investigation—” *hair flip*
“Now help with my lashes or gtfo the debrief” 💅💅💅

[some details provided when this was posted 10 years ago.](

And no one noticed/s

It reminds me of those old Barney Miller episodes where the detectives *tried hard* to go undercover as women.

I think I speak for everyone when I say he fucking nailed it

O man the side eyes from those ladies 😂

I like to think there were qualified women on the police force but Timmy too tall here insisted on the job and got it.

The people on the left thinking your fooling nobody 😂

They ain’t buying it

Ladies walking by thinking: “This mofo needs Jesus!”

Believing that would be a bit of a… “Stretch”

Imagine how that went down in the precinct. “Tom you’re the prettiest go put a wig on!” <chief slaps Tom’s ass>

Smash! Next…

They also did it to crack down on LGBT people just existing

This is like “A Confederacy of Dunces” patrolman Mancuso come to life

Girl please

The women on the left look offended 🙂

South Park

Those two ladies have the “What the FUCK” look dialed down to an art form. LOL!

The lady in this picture is not buying it

Even the women walking by think he’s sus lol


It’s a very convincing costume. Totally believable.

South Park did it first /s

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