Sorry for the shit photo. It’s a security camera i have pointed at my cats favorite sunny spot. ?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bee58dc9e0f618228d9092ccbd9effcf170552f9
Miette, our 15.5 year old lady who we had to say goodbye to on Monday. 😭 She was still so vibrant on the outside, you’d never know how unwell she was feeling on the inside.
This is my bug
Ms. Bubbles 🥰
My baby Twyla
Prince Jaime
My grand daughters cat Lola ❤️
Donut being incredibly cute.
And Sam
Old man. 18 in a couple weeks.
Mr. Toby
oscar in the sun
His name is Oscar.
Stan in the cookie basket
Ramsay and Nessie
Sorry for the shit photo. It’s a security camera i have pointed at my cats favorite sunny spot.
Misa 🩷 today is her first birthday! 🎉
Miette, our 15.5 year old lady who we had to say goodbye to on Monday. 😭 She was still so vibrant on the outside, you’d never know how unwell she was feeling on the inside.
This is Lil Jimmy
He likes to help put the laundry
Nantucket (Tuck)
My Butters 🥰🥰