Contacts – Gator Days (OC)

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my first reaction to glasses age 7: OHhh. That’s what leaves look like!

Meanwhile, Mewbert:
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Glasses or contacts really doesn’t matter. What matters is the confidence you rock while wearing them.

What does Mewbert think though?

I love the fact that last panel is blurry because Gustopher put on his dadโ€˜s glasses

Dads going on a date? [](

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Was expecting croc dad to look like this

I didn’t wear glasses till I was in my mid twenties now I can’t imagine my face without glasses.

Classic joke from my youth: You look all blurry, are you drunk again?

I think glasses is better but I just like the glasses look

contacts are so scary honestly. plus ive been wearing glasses for much longer than i havent, so im really used to them now.

I’m a glasses man, myself. I like being able to turn off my HD eyes when I want.

Just wait until you need both.

I had a former GenZ coworker express surprise when she saw me without my ubiquitous readers. She had no concept of the need for some people to use both contacts and reading glasses. I took much secret delight when our millennial boss had to explain it to her.

Mewbert rolling his eyes!

now ms possum needs to meet him and say he looks delightful. or the hog lady from work

The only contacts I care about are my Linkedin contacts.

dies inside…

Did the background in the 4th panel get blurry intentionally?

I’m just over 40 now and have started to hold my phone further away. I asked one of my kids if there was something wrong with the screen because it looked out of focus. They said no.

Last time I was at the store I put on some readers…. yeah all I thought was “Aw damn it this is totally clear now”. I told one of my parents and they were super fast to say “Oh, you probably need bifocals now.” [Anyway now I own reading glasses.]comment imagev)

Gustopher with glasses on is the cutest thing Iโ€™ve seen this week!

A great example of the Clark Kent effect. When a signature piece of your form is removed, it changes your appearance significantly.

I adore this comic


I went through a phase of wearing contacts in middle school and high school. They were kind of nice for sports, but Iโ€™ve grown to prefer the way I look with glasses.

he looks just like his dad when he wears glasses

I love your comics. They’re so cute and wholesome!
I love the dad gater!

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