Do Gen Z Women understand, they don’t have to be mean or bully men they are not attracted to?

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This is obviously rage bait.

Edit: the responses to this comment make it painfully obvious that some of you need to take a break from the internet once in a while.

The hashtags got me rolling breh

“Can short men cease to exist”

But fear not because she used the nothatespeech, notahater and kind hashtags. So she’s kindfully asking for short men to cease to exist.

Like, “No offense. But can you just cease to exist?”

Dude can we stop posting about this jfc

Just don’t be short bro.

This comment section is making my cancer come back for round 2. How does agreeing with op make you an incel?

It seems op felt directly attacked by the thread earlier.

“can women cease to exist?”

>This is obviously rage bait
>You are a femcel if you get offended by this

sounds odd doesn’t it?

Do women actually do that?

Every fucking day, r/GenZ drones on and on about short men.

Sad that this sub devolved into endless gender wars and politics.

I remember when it was somewhat normal like a year or so ago lol.

The most irritating part is, EVERYONE would lynch a guy if he posted something even half bodyshaming or misogynist about women in social media; but when a woman literally wants short men to die and even infest them if she becomes a zombie, they just diminish and normalize their toxicity and misandry by saying “lmao dude this is obvious ragebait.” Yes, it may be ragebait, so what?

Is being short this bad? I don’t know, I am a tall guy, 6’2″, so want to know

Do Gen z men know they don’t have to consume this kind of content?

You ruined your algorithm with rage bait because it targets you emotionally. You fell right into their trap bruh.

I love short men, stop harassing the kings!

To all the people saying it’s just rage bait. You’re idiots.

Remember kids. If it makes a woman look bad it’s just rage bait. If it makes a man look bad it’s because he’s a terrible person.

If every dude under 5’8 disappeared today then they’d be calling 5’10 the new “short” by tomorrow.

Are people saying this Reddit post is bait? Or the girls post in the screen shot is bait? Because I’ve met peolpe who say shit like this and just say they have “no filter” lol

When education is not liberating, the oppressed dream of becoming the oppressor.

I knew this comment section would find a way to think that any guy offended by this would be an incel (but if the genders were switched the woman would be a **victim of misogyny**).

When you get older you begin to realize how utterly pointless it is getting angry about this stuff. This is clearly a cry for attention. People who have it together attract attention based on their work and their ability to hold conversation.

This isn’t going to stop, people will always tear other people down to relieve stress and offload their problems onto others. What you can do is instead laugh at it. Just realize how pathetic this is in reality, spending the limited amount of time you have acting like this. Be stronger. Move on, there’s someone for everyone, pay this girl no mind.

There are millions of posts like this, with zibillions of likes and supporting comments. But don’t forget guys, not a monolith

I’m not short but I still get pissed because I have many short king friends who deserve love

SHORT KINGS ON TOP FOREVER. the kindest, most confident, usually goofy, and empathetic/understanding people I’ve ever met just happen to be short kings.

Women are weird in that they don’t really consider men that they find unattractive or aren’t related to as really existing. That’s why when they imagine themselves as being male they always picture a millionaire playboy or something and when they go on their “we don’t need men” rants they just imagine the entire infrastructure of the civilized world as popping into existence and maintaining itself.

As far as they are concerned short men provide nothing for them (no vagina tingles) so they shouldn’t be alive to take resources from the 7 foot tall basketball player.

Imagine posting “can fat women cease to exist” and the hate that would come from it…

The tags make me think it’s a bit

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