Im so lost.

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American soldier impregnated Vietnamese lady and left.

I think the woman thinks its a fighting buddy but it is his son.

The man on the right was in the vietnam war, in vietnam. The man on the left holds a picture of his mother and a young man on the right. The man on the left is the illegitimate son of the man on the right

Ha! My dad used to tease my sister that she was his favorite “American” daughter.

Are people really this stupid?

Hey, let’s not make assumptions, he could have met and married his wife after he went to Vietnam.

…how did you not understand this?

How did you not get this?

These post make me feel smart

Hello peter. Peter here it apears the Veteran had cheated on his wife in vietnam after the war his son came to visit him and he probably told his wige they served together (srry for low quality first time explaining a joke)

Peter out

[Here]( is another example of a stressful Vietnam reunion.

I found out at my grandfather ‘s funeral that I have 2 half-korean uncles :/

How do people not make these connections?

He is his son from a woman the old man slept with in Vietnam when he served

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I was an Army brat, raised as an only child. Parents got divorced when I was 4. When I turned 23 found out I was actually the middle child of 13. I have half siblings across the US, France, Libya, and Vietnam 😐

It’s funny how in mainstream media when they portray Vietnam war veterans coming home and stuff like that the people are always like late 20’s early 30’s when in reality these people were like 17-20 years old coming home from war. The vast majority of these people were not married because they were 16 or 17 when they got drafted.

youre what?

This is my quant.

Look at him.

Look at his EYES!

The kid is his illegitimate son. Lots of soldiers with wives had sex with Vietnamese girls while overseas.

My mother was conceived during the Korean War because of a similar circumstance.

My grandmother was only 17 when she married my “grandfather“ he was stationed in the Philippines during the Korean war and she was left at home alone. He wrote her a letter asking for money to be sent because he had impregnated a Filipino lady and he needed to give her money.

She was so upset, she decided to go out on a night on the town. She met a handsome young man and had a one night stand with him. Nine months later, my mother was born. I’m not sure how she was able to, but my grandmother was able to pass off my mother as my “grandfather‘s” child.

This was all uncovered, decades later when my sister and I did an ancestry DNA test and found that we had no genetic connection to my “grandfather“

My grandmother was shocked, as she never told a soul. She couldn’t remember his name but had a couple details

It took me years, but I was finally able to figure out who my biological grandfather was. He sadly passed in the 80s, so my mother never got to meet him but now she has 5 half siblings and we have tons of photos of the guy.

Maybe you need your mommy and daddy to explain this one

“Let me tell ya about your blood, bamboo kid. It ain’t Coca-Cola, it’s rice.”

I thought the old guy was pregnant for a second

OP is dumb af

The more disturbing tend in the comments is that most people are saying he “cheated” and not the more likely “raped.”

Let’s not forget atrocities while focusing on indiscretions.

You clearly don’t watch King of the Hill. They had an entire episode regarding this except he was from Japan.

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Some of these are “In the Know” and some are pretty obvious. This one is the latter. Some of you are really slow.

He cheated on his wife

Do people in this subs even look at the memes they are posting? How is this not totally obvious?

In times of war, it’s not uncommon for the soldiers stationed abroad to have some fun times with the local women. In this case, it’s a man who is a Vietnam War Veteran who is hearing about his illegitimate son for the first time. The wife thinks the illegitimate son is also a Veteran, but quickly realizes that he would have been too young to serve at the same time.

His mother was likely too young, as well.

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