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You have to spend years doing all the work that the Senior Deputy Analytics Coordinator Supervisor doesn’t do, and then you probably won’t get promoted, because then who would do all that work?

I used to work with people who were always doing one of three things: taking smoke breaks, grabbing coffee, or attending those mandatory company-wide meetings. Honestly, I kind of wish that could be me.

I was dating a girl who had a job like this. She worked from home and sent an email once or twice an hour whenever a client had an issue. Each email would take maybe 5 minutes of work. Sometimes, I would spend the day at her house while she worked. We would mostly watch netflix and bang for the majority of the time.

Last time I talked to her, her company made their annual quota so she got flown out to the annual company wide conference in Vegas where they all get drunk and congratulate each other on another year well done.

How the fuck is this a legit paying job? I will say, aside from the perks above, she did say her job was rather boring and soul sucking but still, there are way worse ways to make a paycheck.

Step one: have the ability and privilege to be able to attend a four year college.

Step two: get a bachelors degree in business/finance/marketing/engineering.

Step three: work your way up over a period of 5-10 years by being competent at your job, networking and being able to work with a wide range of people, promoting yourself to your managers, and putting in effort to get promotions, whether within your company or by getting hired at another company.

Step four: enjoy your lanyard!

I have this sort of job, I never went to college. I started from the bottom at a company, I’m talking part time minimum wage and learned everything I could.

Some days it’s mind numbing how boring it is. I miss the mental stimulation of learning and growing to get where I am now.

Get an office job, then get promoted. The higher you go, the less work you actually do.

My current job I make 80k and was working from home on Friday. Texted my boss I didn’t have any work to do, he said keep your phone on you but otherwise just enjoy the long weekend. Blessed.

I worked at a place full of those people.

What I learned is, they don’t even know what they’re doing.

Imagine a company that builds stuff. And the boss wants to know, in five years, what’s the landscape?

The boss already knows how much materials cost, how much he’s paying on employees, how many competitors they have, how many perspective clients.

But what don’t they know? What are the competitors working on? What do customers want? How hard is it going to be to get more materials? What roadblocks could we hit?

The company is designed to make money today. But they want an eye on the future. But they can’t afford to hire a team to do the math. They hire one or two people. And there’s so much data. It’s not like stats for a baseball game. It’s like trying to predict which players will sell the most jerseys, and trying to factor injuries and markets and the economy compared to nfl and nba jerseys.

Go to business school amd major in something boring that no one wants to do like tax accounting or insurance. Start at an analyst position at a big company and jump jobs every few years to move up. Shouldn’t take more than 5-7 years max. Speaking from personal experience, It really is that easy.

Wiring 8 bedroom/bath McMansions for two people with one kid and they zoom on a laptop for I’d say an hour, then the day and world is theirs to do as they please. Names and faces change but watching the same show for 9 years. Must be nice dude. I regret not doing my homework or playing silly sports now.

It’s not who you know. It’s who you blow.

You stay at the same company for 30 years and if you’re lucky you get promoted to that job

I work for a very large university in the campus recreation department. My day is mostly what you’re describing sprinkled with managing a staff of student employees. However I don’t make 98k I just make 60k but the level of stress in this job is so low that I don’t ever plan on leaving

I work in Insurance and the entire 7.5 hours (I get 30 mins for lunch) I am constantly working. Always on the phone and then I also do like an hour of overtime because I get a call 5 mins before we close and I have to help them, I can’t just tell them we’re closed.

I pray for the day I might one day get a job where I don’t have to talk to anyone and the method of communication is emails.

just go somewhere, where the company is big enough for you to not be suspiscious. Work a day there and if they didnt call any security on you, congrats -> profit

Well, the first thing you need to do is show that you’re *worth* the money.

People sometimes tell me I ONLY work 6-8 hours a day. What they don’t take into account is that I really am working (without any possibility to escape whatsoever) all the fucking minutes of those hours, highly focused and without possibility to just let my mind get distracted for a minute.

So yeah, I guess working more hours with just not so much to fill your hours with, and with coffee breaks, or simply taking a minute to chat with a coworker or just stop to breathe, sounds like a dream.

I feel called out.

Business technology consultant here. That… is kinda accurate.

As long as you don’t mind if that email is also firing a couple thousand federal employees every week. I’ll put you in contact with my boy Big Balls…oh, excuse me, “senior adviser in the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Technology”

You get an entry level job and fake your way until they promote you. Eventually you start to learn stuff and next you know people turn to you for all their answers.

I have one of those jobs, except it took me 20 years, and a lot of shitty jobs, to get there, and the only reason I can coast is the experience from those shitty jobs.

Thats me but doubled the salary. I would do a lot more but my tasks usually involves waiting for others to do their tasks. I offer to just do everything myself in 1/10 the time, but that would take away the contractors task that we pay them a shit ton of money to do.

It’s called “DOGE”

But you should use a govt office for your trashy wannabe fashion business too (but don’t worry, federal ethics laws only matter for actual civil servants, babe 😉)

It’s all about personality, charm, and confidence.

…I will never have one of these jobs. 😞

Be related to or have sex with the founder of a multi billion dollar company, and even then it’s not certain.

Civil service 😄

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